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Yes - propranolol, altenolol, hydroxine, lamotrigine. None of them seemed to help me, but maybe the propranolol will help you :balloon: 

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7 minutes ago, [[v...] said:

Yes - propranolol, altenolol, hydroxine, lamotrigine. None of them seemed to help me, but maybe the propranolol will help you :balloon: 

Did it have any nasty side effects?

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Hi, @[jo...], once again)

I took propranolol for a few first months in the withdrawal, almost nightly. Can't say anything bad about it. Even kind of soothed me. I usually took it when waking up with rushing heart. 

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18 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Hi @[...] Yeah thats why they gave it to me. You say it was effective for you in the mornings?

For me, it was usually at 4-5 am, not later. Yes, as far as i remember, it was rather effective.

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14 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Does it help with the actual anxiety or just the pysical symptoms. Shaking etc?

For me, it calmed down my heart beating, i did feel calmer myself and could usually fall asleep afterwards.  But, i think, i never had far too much of anxiety, although enough to feel the withdrawal.

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

I was prescribed propranolol throughout the duration of my taper. It helped me greatly with anxiety, racing heart, akathesia.

Hi @[Ch...] Did you take it as and when or regularly? Does it need to be tapered? From what my doctor said it doesn't but I don't fully trust doctors anymore.

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6 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hi @[Ch...] Did you take it as and when or regularly? Does it need to be tapered? From what my doctor said it doesn't but I don't fully trust doctors anymore.

your body will adjust to anything you regularly use. There are warnings to taper betablockers. lots of them. they focus on the people taking them for heart conditions because thats the common use and those people are at greater risk likely. 

Lots info put there thats easy to find. 

I would expect getting off for you will be like me. The opposite of suppressing adrenal functions. 

I was very cold on them. Other than that I was basically still a lunatic when I tried them and cant really say what of the million things going on at the time could have be from or worsened by them. 

I would recommend not worrying too much if you do decide to use them. See if they help and if not you will likely only have a day or two that is marginally worse. If you use them that is. 


hope ya see this. censored atm so not certain.  

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9 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hi @[Ch...] Did you take it as and when or regularly? Does it need to be tapered? From what my doctor said it doesn't but I don't fully trust doctors anymore.

I have been taking it for a few months now since my setback started. Have also taken it on and off in the past. It helps with palpitations, racing heart, but doesn't do anything for head symptoms. 

My Dr said the same with regards tapering, but I plan to ignore that and taper to some extent when I decide to stop taking it. After all it's a med which lowers the heart rate and, to some extent,  blood pressure. I don't want either spiking when I come off it.  

One thing to be aware of is it can cause depression or worsening of depressive symptoms. 

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I understand propanolol is supposed to help and I hope it does help some of the people here! I think the biggest reason I didn't want to take it is because it can cause weight gain and I'm trying to do everything I can to lose weight, not gain it. I found a lot of the non-addictive medications my doctor gave me similar to propanolol can cause weight gain. I guess I'll just have to power through the withdrawal symptoms.

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