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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

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I can not write much now but need to know if Vival is the same as Valium here in norway they say it is the same but i have my doubth i take vival im got very sick jesterday day woke up wit extreme pain in back and shoulders and have troble moving arms and hands i also sore troat and runny nose had that some days before but jesterday i suddenly got truoble with coordination legs too and trouble swallov water also slurred speach i had to call ER and i hate to end up there .They just did a quick check and sent me home .I think they sent me home because i told them i tapering vival they did no further check just a little needle in fingertip .i was better again when i was there but i think i deserve to get a better check. I told them i have pain i belly about a year to and that  my Mother and 3 sisters died from cancer

well the important thing i need to find out is   : Is Vival exactly the same as Valium ??  i think im getting poisoned from the vival now because i felt ok before i tool my lunsh time dose and after that i got worce and worce again .

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Quick check and Vival is diazepam, totally the same thing. Don't know why they like to give them all fancy names in different countries. As for hot temperatures I don't think it affects it in pill form, only very slightly in liquid form so you're fine on that score.

Going through this ordeal is going to be horrible for a while and this makes us really rev up. The body is going to complain like mad and produce all sorts of crazy symptoms. I try to look at my pain differently and see it as healing even though it is extremely uncomfortable. Being on our own we tend to work ourselves up much more so try to devise a method of calming yourself down. You said you felt a bit better at the hospital which is probably because you were around other people. Just have to get on with it as best you can and know this is all about the drug and underneath you are fine. 

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Thank you WU WEI i feel much calmer now again. I think it was a type of panic that struck me .I pray and it helped calming down.I seems this anxiety really is good finding ways to scare me .its like the devil.


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Glad you feel calmer again. It will probably happen again and when it does remind yourself it is just neurons misfiring, a chemical reaction, nothing more than that. I find this takes away the fear. It is still horrible and I hate it but I don't fear it. Maybe these anxiety attacks are even part of the healing process, like pain and all the other unpleasant sensations and emotions we find ourselves going through. Just let it all happen the way it wants to, with no resistance and things tend to calm down sooner.

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