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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Very sick


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I am sick very sick. I’m dictating this as I really can’t start the phone buttons to do any typing right now as you may have known from reading my blogs, I am traveling. and can’t return home until Friday of this week might change in routine and the results of forgetting one of my medication’s no not a benzo but one that I’ve had on that eats and sleep has left me debilitated I’ve Extreme nausea and symptoms worse than anything. I’ve experience with the benzos so far I won’t name the ad on drug, but just simply say that it is a sedative that I’ve taken for some time. It works well for sleep. In my haste and fog of leaving I just couldn’t think very well hopefully when I get home, get back to some kind of a routine and have my proper medications. Things will work out for me. there’s really no need to reply as I know that things won’t improve until I return home in the meantime no matter how enticing summer travel may be my advice is just say no all the best to the rest of you at knackered. 

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Thanks. There’s no need for that. We drove to the far northern tip of our state and travelled by ferry to the island we’re on. We will have to drop off my son and his wife at an airport on the way home, but we won’t have to go in. Drive home totals about six hours once we get back on the mainland.  I’ve never used the chat room before. I wonder if I could talk to those guys for something to do.  I don’t know any of those people.


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Oh no, @[kn...].  I am just now reading your post.  It sounds like you may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms from the med you forgot to bring on your trip.  If I’m remembering right it’s an AD and you may have become physically dependent on it.

Do you have access to an urgent care center or something similar at your current location?  Perhaps they would be willing to give you a sufficient supply of the med to get you through the trip home?  Or if you have access to a pharmacy, I wonder if they would be willing to contact your home pharmacy about giving you a partial fill of your current prescription?


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Thanks for your concern. Your support is always appreciated.  The med I forgot to pack was Trazodone. I’ve taken it for sleep for the last couple of years, so it’s not new, but I’m sure that I have some dependency. There’s nothing to speak of on this island health wise at all. So, I’m going to attempt to tough it out. Things here are getting a bit dicey as it is and I really don’t want to add any more drama. My grand daughter spent most of last night throwing up. Not good. I feel better right now than I have since Monday. And we leave early Friday morning. Trying to do this was crazy in the first place, but my wife would not hear of me staying home. Thanks for checking in. 

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I’m concerned about you @[kn...]. Abrupt cessation of trazodone is not advised (see info from the drug label below).  Do you and your family have a game plan in place to get medical assistance if needed?


Adverse reactions after discontinuation of serotonergic antidepressants, particularly after abrupt discontinuation, include: nausea, sweating, dysphoric mood, irritability, agitation, dizziness, sensory disturbances (e.g., paresthesia, such as electric shock sensations), tremor, anxiety, confusion, headache, lethargy, emotional lability, insomnia, hypomania, tinnitus, and seizures. A gradual reduction in dosage rather than abrupt cessation is recommended whenever possible.


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@[Li...] Thank you for the information, but please don’t worry about my situation. There is inter-island ferry service, and if worse came to worse we could avail ourselves of that. I’ve already experienced and been able to work through several of the WD side effects you mentioned  All is well. I feel quite stupid for coming up here ill prepared, but I wasn’t all that sound of mind when I left. 

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I’m greatly relieved to learn you can get help if needed @[kn...].  Sending all good thoughts your way for an uneventful end to your Three Hour Tour.  

My older brother was a big fan of Gilligan’s Island so I just looked up the lyrics to the theme song. They brought a smile to my face and I hope they’ll do the same for you.

Just sit right back
And you'll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip,
That started from this tropic port,
Aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sailin' lad,
The Skipper brave and sure,
Five passengers set sail that day,
For a three hour tour,
A three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The Minnow would be lost.
The Minnow would be lost.

The ship set ground on the shore
Of this uncharted desert isle
With Gilligan,
The Skipper too.
The millionaire
And his wife,
The movie star,
The professor and Mary Ann,
Here on Gilligan's Isle.

So this is the tale of our castaways,
They're here for a long long time.
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an uphill climb.

The first mate and his Skipper too
Will do their very best,
To make the others comf'terble

In their tropic island nest.

No phone, no lights, no motor car,
Not a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
It's primitive as can be.

So join us here each week my friends,
You're sure to get a smile,
From seven stranded castaways
Here on Gilligan's Isle!


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Ah, yes.  That’s the motive behind the madness of those blogs. I keep myself busy trying to come up with stuff that I can incorporate into those articles. Writing my way through this may be my salvation. It’s a great distraction. I don’t get a lot of feedback (you are a faithful follower), but people seem to be reading them. As long as that keeps happening, I’ll keep writing them.  

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22 hours ago, [[k...] said:

@[Li...] Thank you for the information, but please don’t worry about my situation. There is inter-island ferry service, and if worse came to worse we could avail ourselves of that. I’ve already experienced and been able to work through several of the WD side effects you mentioned  All is well. I feel quite stupid for coming up here ill prepared, but I wasn’t all that sound of mind when I left. 


21 hours ago, [[k...] said:

Ah, yes.  That’s the motive behind the madness of those blogs. I keep myself busy trying to come up with stuff that I can incorporate into those articles. Writing my way through this may be my salvation. It’s a great distraction. I don’t get a lot of feedback (you are a faithful follower), but people seem to be reading them. As long as that keeps happening, I’ll keep writing them.  

You are fortunate to still be able to write so clearly. 
Your brain seems be working. 
Thank goodness, you sounded so much worse off than you seem. 

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I have had to dictate some posts today. There really isn’t anything I can do until we get off this island and back on the mainland tomorrow. I laying down, alternately freezing and sweating. It’s the pits. Thanks for your concern. 

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