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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

OCD is out of control


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My ocd is out of control the looping thoughts only stuck on one theme , will I have to try and take something to help this ? It’s makes me have burning electric need to get out of my body feeling 😞 

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Burning and electric feelings in your arms and legs? That is what I had when my brain was stuck on looping thoughts. The cns is very sensitized in withdrawal and will cause more pronounced physical symptoms to the presence of cortisol, which is probably what is being released many times over as you dwell on your thought.

Have you watched any of those YT videos about overcoming intrusive thoughts and ocd rumination?

While you will get general support on this forum, it is mostly going to be other people telling you if certain symptoms are related to benzo withdrawal as well as people sharing their experiences with similar symptoms.

If your symptoms are too severe for you to handle then you will need to be more proactive by seeking out a trained specialist, or practicing techniques others have used. There are a ton of videos on YT that I used to help get over severe intrusive thoughts.

Many people overcome your type of situation without the need for medication. But if you feel that it may provide the help you need to get the ball rolling on overcoming this, then you do not need to feel any shame. 

Is this symptom not as bad today? (Like 8.9/10 from a 9.1 the other day) Your writing style seems to be a bit calmer.

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@[Cr...]I do feel bad right now , maybe i have been a tad calmer . I’m worried the burning electrical feeling is in my mouth and runs through my body to my pelvic area. The thoughts are just so bad as it feels like I’m never going to get over this thing that’s happened . I just want it to stop 😞 I did speak with a ocd spealist today and it really made me feel anguish it was really hard to do and I felt very bad after . Then I’ve been going over the situation to helplines since .  I’m really not sure if talking about it all the time is feeding it and making it worse . I just don’t feel like I’m going to be ok or how to over come it . Do you think therapy in withdrawal maybe doesn’t work the same 

Edited by [Lo...]
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3 hours ago, [[L...] said:

My ocd is out of control the looping thoughts only stuck on one theme , will I have to try and take something to help this ? It’s makes me have burning electric need to get out of my body feeling 😞 

Be patient my dear...will pass soon, it can't last forever...I forgot to ask you yesterday, you've been diagnosed with OCD before? Or at least you had something similar before your benzo journey? And how long exactly you are off of benzoses?

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4 hours ago, [[L...] said:

And yes I have a urge to get out of my body when it’s really bad 

That inner akathisia . It’s terrible. Your not alone ❤️

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