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So turns out I have IST (inappropriate sinus tachycardia) and was not having anxiety attacks like i kept saying from the start. My pcps office wasnt listening and just kept trying to cure my symptoms with psych medications (benzo & ssri). which makes sense as to why i was still feeling symptoms (dizzy, fast heart rate, blurry vision) even while on the ativan. I honestly feel like the ativan has made it worse in some way. now im stuck trying to taper from ativan when all along i did not have panic disorder :'(

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& on top of that i now have a weird numb feeling in my left cheek & sometimes my arm & hands. (have been checked out & no clots or anything) has anyone dealt with this symptom?? i am currently at 1.5 mg and was planning to make my second dose cut in about two days

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Sorry to hear about that @[vi...]. It is frustrating that you haven't been properly diagnosed for so long, but that happens to many others as well.

The good news is you can come off these meds and eventually get your life back in order once again. Any treatment for IST?

And yes, numbness at various parts of the body is often a side effect of benzos and also WD.

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@[Cr...] it sucks so bad. especially when i kept telling them i dont feel like im panicking this feels different. (have only had about 1 or 2 panic attacks in my life & those were during my pregnancies). but as you said at least now i am on the right track. 

the cardiologist prescribed Corlanor for the fast heart rate & wants me to drink ALOT of water throughout the day. i start that med tomorrow (hopefully it doesn’t interfere with withdrawal in any way)

& whew.. okay i was a little worried about the numbness.

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Hey @[vi...],

I'm sorry about the misdiagnosis.  I've been there!  I'm glad it's sorted out now, though.  And yeah, I get lots of weird numbness.  It kind of picks a spot and stays for a while, days or weeks (and while I was still on bnzos, years), and then picks a new one and moves on...Oh the joys of withdrawal. :tickedoff:

Hang in there!

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@[Bu...] Its the worst. but i am so glad its figured out now! I had started doubting myself like okay well maybe I am panicking but what made me quickly realize I wasn’t was having the same symptoms even while being on the benzo. Its coming up on 6 weeks for me but i have already started my taper so I guess that is where all the weird feelings are coming from. thanks for reaching out! it lets me know i am not alone

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