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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

I can't do this anymore....


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@[vo...] voluntas what are u talking about ?? There are people who completely quit but have those pills stacked in their homes for years... please think before u say something ... no I didn't know he took benzos and I don't know how he got them or which benzo he gave me ! All I know is that I was spike for 6 weeks straight and after not having  the drink for a week my symptoms gradually started and it's not like I suddenly thought oh I was spiked ! No that's not how it went it started with feeling unwell... dizzy and anxiety I went to the hospital did all the test everything cam back normal ! Few weeks passed and that's when akathisia hit me and that's how I knew it was benzos ! I did not go into full blown withdrawal until atleast a month that's when everything got soo severe and I knew what had happened ! I almost did not make it ! 

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1 minute ago, [[S...] said:

@[vo...] voluntas what are u talking about ?? There are people who completely quit but have those pills stacked in their homes for years... please think before u say something ... no I didn't know he took benzos and I don't know how he got them or which benzo he gave me ! All I know is that I was spike for 6 weeks straight and after not having  the drink for a week my symptoms gradually started and it's not like I suddenly thought oh I was spiked ! No that's not how it went it started with feeling unwell... dizzy and anxiety I went to the hospital did all the test everything cam back normal ! Few weeks passed and that's when akathisia hit me and that's how I knew it was benzos ! I did not go into full blown withdrawal until atleast a month that's when everything got soo severe and I knew what had happened ! I almost did not make it ! 

For those of us who had those types of pills, it would be too tempting to keep them around if we wanted to be off of them forever. What would be the point of keeping them? There's really no "just in case I want to be addicted again" that I know of, so just in case we wanted the torture of going through withdrawal again.  I was on xanax, adderal, clonazepam, cyclobenzaprine (enhances benzos), vicodin, ritalin, tramadol and those are only the ones I can think of. I brought them all to the PD to get rid of. No former addicts (that I know of) would want to keep that temptation around and again, I don't believe any of us would waste them on someone else, unless they were paying us to buy them off of us. Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong! 

You said the hospital did bloodwork on you. A test would have discovered a substance in your system.

How did you almost die?

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Please stay strong. I'm not you, but I do see that what you have experienced is assault/abuse and this is post traumatised responses etc too. I hope you can get help, be kind to yourself. This is not your fault. 

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@[S_...]  I think you should at least consider some alternative causes of what is happening to you since you don't have proof that your roommate was even on benzos to begin with, never mind sharing them with you. Just something you may want to explore further.


These are just some conditions that can mimic the symptoms of benzo withdrawal, making it important to get properly diagnosed and differentiate between the possibilities:

Serotonin Syndrome: This condition can occur with the use of serotonergic medications and presents with symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations, autonomic instability, and severe gastrointestinal symptoms.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A rare but life-threatening reaction to antipsychotic medications characterized by fever, muscular rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction.

Severe Anxiety or Panic Disorder: Extreme anxiety or panic can cause physical symptoms like a burning sensation, gastrointestinal issues, and heightened sensory sensitivity.

Thyrotoxicosis (Hyperthyroidism): Excessive thyroid hormone levels can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, weight loss, gastrointestinal symptoms, and sensory hypersensitivity.

Neurological Disorders: Certain neurological conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or other demyelinating diseases, could potentially present with burning sensations, cognitive changes, and sensory disturbances.

Toxicity or Poisoning: Exposure to certain toxins or drugs can lead to severe symptoms, including cognitive impairment, hallucinations, sensory disturbances, and gastrointestinal issues.

Severe Infection (Sepsis, Encephalitis): Infections affecting the brain or systemic infections can cause delirium, hallucinations, severe gastrointestinal symptoms, and autonomic dysfunction.

Autoimmune Disorders: Some autoimmune conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues, sensory disturbances, and cognitive changes.

Chronic Pain Syndromes (e.g., Fibromyalgia): Conditions like fibromyalgia can cause widespread pain and burning sensations, although the severity of cognitive and gastrointestinal symptoms described here is unusual.


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@[vo...] lady do u think that's the only reason for someone to keep the pills ? There are some psychopaths like this guy who use these pills as a weapon against others !  U havent heard of people getting spiked or drugged ? as a 40 year old u should know these things by now.... and second of all I did not know it was a drug at first they did not take any drug test from me and all my symptoms came soo fast that I was basically left home bound I could not walk or go back to hospital and by the time I knew what had happened I was soo scared of going to the hospital in the fear of them medicating me even more and makeing things worse !

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4 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

@[vo...] lady do u think that's the only reason for someone to keep the pills ? There are some psychopaths like this guy who use these pills as a weapon against others !  U havent heard of people getting spiked or drugged ? as a 40 year old u should know these things by now.... and second of all I did not know it was a drug at first they did not take any drug test from me and all my symptoms came soo fast that I was basically left home bound I could not walk or go back to hospital and by the time I knew what had happened I was soo scared of going to the hospital in the fear of them medicating me even more and makeing things worse !

What would have been his motive?

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@[vo...] darling please go educate your self I was a perfectly healthy and I mean healthy 27 year old girl with no issues in the past I enjoyed life and never had a problem with anxiety or depression ! So for u to sit here and tell me that oh I suddenly developed serotonin syndrome within weeks and whole other nonsense is just childish... it's not my job to make u understand me and whether u understand or not it's not going to make a difference because the damage has been done but don't come here triggering people because they are already going through enough and this could be their last straw. 

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All I was trying to do was to have you consider other possibilities since other things can result in similar symptoms and there is no proof a drug was involved. Apparently, I'm not able to help you to consider other possibilities. I hope someone else can help. I wish you well.

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@[vo...] voluntas all the things u mentioned don't happen within a matter of weeks  specially in someone who had no history in any of this stuff and if it was sepsis I would be dead by now ! How is it then that I'm getting better? If it was my own body then I would still have these symptoms right ? And how am I having waves and windows then ? How am I having exactly the same symptoms as people on here ? You never heard of people getting assaulted, abused, or murdered ?? 

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@[vo...] and voluntas please for the love of God read what u have just copy and pasted..3 of the things mentioned is because of the  of a certain psychoactive medication 

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9 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

@[vo...] and voluntas please for the love of God read what u have just copy and pasted..3 of the things mentioned is because of the cause of a certain psychoactive medication 

Actually, none of the things mentioned are the result of a benzo. They are alternatives to a benzo.

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@[vo...] I never said they are benzos ! I said some of the things u have mentioned are not even from natural causes and are related to meds which I never took in my life and second of all all my symptoms and timeline match exactly to benzos and not the things u have mentioned 

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@[vo...] I honestly don't even know why I'm wasting my energy and arguing with u ...whether u understand or not its not going to help me either way so please move on  and focus on your own journey and stop judging people when u don't know the whole story 

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To all who have contributed, we can't know what really happened when even the OP isn't sure but in the end, we have to believe what a member tells us and if we can't, then we should move on and let others provide the support.  Most of us have experienced doubt from the medical profession and our loved ones, we don't need that here. 

@[S_...], I understand you're suffering but since you stated you have no way of knowing what really happened, its natural for members to try to come up with other possibilities in order to explain what you're experiencing.  I believe they're trying to be helpful, and I hope you'll see it as such. 


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@[Pa...] hi pamster it's me... I have signed up with a new account because I lost the old one.. I'm not sure if u remember me I don't want to say my name here for private reasons  but I think u know my story and u have always supported me through my hard times thank you again for having my back.

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