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DMT therapy


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I am doing DMT therapy in a shamanistic ritual during the August full moon. 

Likely not a great idea but I really dont think any amount of regular therapy or lifestyle alone will be enough. 

I am very against drug use in general yet willing to try a one off thing hoping for a hallucination that is positive enough to leave me in a better mindset. 

Has anyone tried this? 

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21 hours ago, [[L...] said:

I am doing DMT therapy in a shamanistic ritual during the August full moon. 

Likely not a great idea but I really dont think any amount of regular therapy or lifestyle alone will be enough. 

I am very against drug use in general yet willing to try a one off thing hoping for a hallucination that is positive enough to leave me in a better mindset. 

Has anyone tried this? 

Hello @[Le...] no not tried this. Nor heard of it so with my enquiring mind went off to research & found this: 




Your post is timely since there was a BBC radio 4 programme broadcast yesterday looking at alternatives for the condition of treatment resistant depression using psychedelics & ketamine therapy. Similar topic. 
We need alternatives & where other methods fail it makes sense to me to explore & seek other approaches. Another article I’ve read suggests DMT can act rather like a snow globe, shakes everything up so we can reassess. That is intriguing!

Take care 


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51 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

A lot of people come out of it very spiritual is what concerns me. Obviously does some unusual harm to the rational part of the mind. 

Ah. My reading around DMT did not reveal a spirituality awakening! but this does: 



so just by some searching it seems there are clinical controlled settings, DMT as part of rituals & I even came across DMT vapes! It’s a big subject so I get your concerns & balancing potential benefits vs potential to change ones beliefs. 



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3 hours ago, [[K...] said:

Ah. My reading around DMT did not reveal a spirituality awakening! but this does: 


so just by some searching it seems there are clinical controlled settings, DMT as part of rituals & I even came across DMT vapes! It’s a big subject so I get your concerns & balancing potential benefits vs potential to change ones beliefs. 

A lot of people have unusual ideas after experiences like this. Neal Brennan and Gabor Mate both started to be a bit flakey after experiences with this stuff. They were also happier though and my rationality never did anything good for me except make me be a dick to silly superstitious people. Maybe I would be happier as a Trump supporter. IDK. 

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It’s a conundrum for sure @[Le...]& I need to read up on Brennan/Mate.
A DMT trip that perhaps instills unusual ideas or could shift our political viewpoint - now that is a worry! Trump eh. I’m in UK where we are on the cusp of a general election.  So plenty to contemplate on the DMT topic & can totally see importance is not to loose ones rational self. 

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likely i will trip out and end up running through the woods in terror or something. 


7 minutes ago, [[K...] said:

@[Le...]it will be interesting to see how this works for you. 
You crack me up, in a good way.


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1 hour ago, [[L...] said:

i tease about trump cause so many people get sucked in by the creepy weirdo. he acts like a child so i find it hard to understand when people arent embarassed about voting for him.  

Political discussions aren't welcome, we do our best to keep this a safe space for everyone, no matter their political leanings. 

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4 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

Political discussions aren't welcome, we do our best to keep this a safe space for everyone, no matter their political leanings. 

edited out the voted part just for you. 

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14 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

edited out the voted part just for you. 

And yet you left what some would find objectionable.  No matter though, others will see my reminder and know not to engage. 

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uh. if thats your stance you cant talk about me either. i was an elected mayor for two two year terms in my life.  finding a person objectionable cant be off limits. sorry for ya if you like him and are insulted. people will see this and be wary of you. 

2 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

And yet you left what some would find objectionable.  No matter though, others will see my reminder and know not to engage. 


Edited by [Le...]
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6 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

uh. if thats your stance you cant talk about me either. i was an elected mayor for two two year terms in my life.  finding a person objectionable cant be off limits. sorry for ya if you like him and are insulted. people will see this and be wary of you. 

  • Given the present climate of tribal politics and the inability of some people to engage in robust yet respectful discourse, we do not allow political discussion at this community.

Guidelines - Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Support (benzobuddies.org)

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9 hours ago, [[L...] said:

A lot of people come out of it very spiritual is what concerns me. Obviously does some unusual harm to the rational part of the mind. 

So any members with spiritual beliefs are not rational or suffered harm to their minds?

This is not finding one person objectable, but a broad group.

5 hours ago, [[L...] said:

except make me be a dick to silly superstitious people. Maybe I would be happier as a Trump supporter. IDK. 

This is not finding just one person objectable, but a broad group. If you swapped Trump for Biden, this still applies.

16 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

finding a person objectionable cant be off limits.

See above.

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damn didnt edit that one.  wasnt expecting this pettiness.  i will stick to personally deriding a silly man. i have a few biden jokes about octogenarians if you want. about a man of course not a political group. wouldnt want to upset anybody. 

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10 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

damn didnt edit that one.  wasnt expecting this pettiness.  i will stick to personally deriding a silly man. i have a few biden jokes about octogenarians if you want. about a man of course not a political group. wouldnt want to upset anybody. 

I had hoped you wouldn't resort to pettiness either but here we are.  You agreed to our rules and policies when you registered, now that you've had a chance to refresh your memory, I expect you'll drop the attitude.  If not, the next action I'll be taking is to put your account on post moderation.  This means that each and every post you write will be reviewed by the team before publication.  

Oh and I do hope you had a chance to review this rule as well.

Do not denigrate religions, ethnicities or cultures. Do not disparage those of another gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. We are a support group for all those experiencing problems with benzodiazepine use or withdrawal - this is our common bond.

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all cool. doesnt concern me at all really. sorry you are so petty but i wish you the best still. i am not a little person. 


bb benzo buddies. 

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I've smoked DMT twice in my life.  What you call a mere hallucination, is funny to me, b/c it is so much more than that you do not even know til you experience it!  Are you smoking the DMT or using it orally as Ayahuasca?  If Aya, it has to be taken off all medications and on a very empty stomach.  If your smoking DMT, make sure you inhale 3 good rips of it you have like 30 seconds from the time the smoke enters you.  It will literally take you to the 6th+ dimension, so be prepared.  The tunnel ppl talk about being in while dying, is the tunnel you will see.  It wasn't scary for me, in fact it was incredible on a level I never thought possible.

Psilocybin/Psychedelic Therapy has had a lot of success in treating drug abuse.  This is b/c psychedelics are the opposite of other drugs instead of helping you bury your problems it forces them all to the surfaces and makes you face yourself.  I'm personally looking for a doctor right now to do Ketamine Infusions, but it's hard with all the regulations and a lot of doctors in my area got their heads up their asses one guy I went to used to do it but randomly decided to stop before I went to see him.  Even though it's the #1 cure for depression in the world atm.

MDMA therapy, which is not yet legal b/c big pharma is holding back the progress of society deliberately via lobbying, keeping MDMA in schedule I (although they're running clinical trials rn), is the #1 tool for curing, YES CURING, PTSD.

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