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When do/did things level out for you after a cut?


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I'm only cutting 1 mg valium every 4-6 weeks. My last cut was Thursday and I'm having sooo many physical symptoms. The worst being constant stomach pain/upset stomach, nausea and dry mouth/metallic taste. I was on 10 mg diazepam in the morning and 10 in the evening. (This was not my original benzo or highest dose, everything is described in my history). Now I'm at 7.5 in the morning and 10 at night. About 3 hours after taking my new dose the symptoms appear. Once I take my evening dose I feel much better ( I guess bc its the "full" dose my brain is used to?). I dose at 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. I swear if this is interdose WD I'm gonna be so mad because thats why I switched to valium in the first place. The reason why I don't think it's interdose is because I feel FINE in the mornings! When I was on lorazepam I felt horrible constantly especially in the mornings. Some mornings can be rough for me now, but nothing like when I was on Ativan.  


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Thanks for detailing your history, its very helpful.  

  • How do you feel before your 7:30 a.m. dose?
  • You mention you crossed to Valium last August, did you feel stable on it from August to March?
  • Is there a reason you're not lowering your evening dose?
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@[Pa...]Thanks for the reply! 

I feel alright before the 7:30 am dose. Better than I did before I crossed, but occasionally have a rough morning or two.

I didn't feel stable for awhile after the cross over. Prob December is when I finally felt stable enough to start the taper, I just had to work up the courage. 

& I am mainly scared of insomnia if I lower my evening dose. It was a problem for me before benzos and was the reason I was prescribed. The trazodone is working really well for me though and I feel extremely tired at night & sleeping 8-9 hrs. It may be worth looking into lowering the evening V. 


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Wow @[la...], sleeping 8-9 hours is unheard of around here, I don't blame you for not wanting to jeopardize that! 

The Valium appears to be doing its job, I'm glad your mornings aren't as bad, it sounds like your evening dose is helping you sleep and managing to keep you fairly comfortable until your morning dose.  Did you experience the same reactions the last time you reduced your morning dose?  

Given you've started and stopped taking benzodiazepines multiple times, I'm not sure we can accurately predict how this is going to go because there is a possibility you're experiencing kindling.  


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Some cuts just hit like a wrecking ball. It's usually conjecture to try and determine if its kindling (doubtful) interdose (possibly) or something we ate, did or on and on and on.

I just cut too, and this one is horrible. I know my issue is interdose, because I clearly feel myself going into wd at 3 hours, when I usually dose every 5 hours. By the time I take my next dose, I am pretty far gone. Thus, interdose is easier to nail down. That interdose wd has my benzo belly completely going off the wall, mental anguish, I feel TERRIBLE and non functional.

However, regardless of the reason, remember that this process is not linear. Try and focus more on acceptance (i know) and coping strategies than the why. Even though I know what is likely causing me distress on this cut is interdose wd, that information does nothing to help me feel bettter. It just is the way it is.


Distraction, Getting my head out of my head

Coping and soothing activities

Just accepting that it really sucks, and there isn't really anything more I can do until my nervous system recovers.

I hope that helps.


Edited by [ba...]
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