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3 x daily dose down to 1 x…Valium


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I’m thinking about moving both my day doses into 1 at night

Is anybody having the 1 dose with vallium and managing it,.or switched from daily’s to 1nce a night 

The purpose is just to have the bigger dose to taper from

To ease into it im thinking going to 2 x dose a day and leaving the first dose untill 6 pm when I usually take my 2nd

i fell asleep last night before my night dose and woke and took it at 2.am,.so im thinking todays the perfect day to stretch my dose out and attempt this

Another reason for this is im considering an antidepressant of some sort for through the day

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Valium has a long half life so in theory, you should be able to do this and avoid interdose withdrawal but the only way to know for sure is to try it.

May I ask, why do you need a bigger dose to taper from, what is your current dose and what size pills do you have?

That's amazing you were able to fall asleep without your second dose!!

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Hi pamster,.I’m falling alseep most nights before my 3rd dose,like I’m naturally burnt out

2.5mg at 12.00…afternoon 2.5mg at 6.00pm..then the night dose I’ll try sleep without it,usually wake up at 1 to 2 am and take it

I have held dose for 6 week this Thursday,.so my sleep got better from holding dose definitely 

I just think in the long run,.cutting from the 8mg that’s left would mabie be easier rather than cutting from the smaller doses

My daily doses make me feel like crap most the time as well,with nervy anxiety,and also feeling low

I’ve also considering an anti d for the day,.and along the road replacing the night V dose with an alternative 

Im 3 hour past my usual first dose just now,.I was getting anxious about the change earlier,but that was just my mind,I’ve relaxed since,and seeing how the day progresses 

yesterday as well,.Ive a tooth abscess just now,.I bought cocodamol for the pain,.and noticed it relaxed me,when I took my 6 pm V dose,it took away that feeling and I felt a bit low

So yea I’ve thought this for a while my doses make me feel crapier,.and I feel I need somet for the day like an anti d

mainly for the stress I’m under and to relax,.the cocodamol gave me incline that I might just need something while tapering to take the edge of










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I understand wanting to simplify things, and lets face it, when you get even lower in dose, they'll be so small, you'll need to start eliminating them.

I would probably avoid taking an opioid unless you are in pain, taking the edge off could lead to dependence and you certainly don't want that.

Have you ever taken an A/D before?  Some members have been able to start on one without too much trouble, but others haven't been so lucky.  Just remember, our central nervous system is highly sensitive while going through this so we don't always react the way we expect. 

I'm glad holding your dose has helped, you're making your taper work for you, good job! 

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Pamster yea I was talking anti ds for over 20 year unfortunately,I did try introduce sertraline again a couple month back,it didn’t work out well ether I felt iller

I was thinking taking the V at night and AD in the early morning might work out different 

I’ve been on that combination in the past but yea while withdrawing it’s been totally different 

The cocodamol yesterday was a mental break for some reason,I’ve never been down that road though and wouldn’t go there as I value my liver lol





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I’m tapering diazepam at a rate of a 5% reduction every 4 wks. Now down to one 2mg pill and about .154mgs of another. I started at a crossover of 60mgs daily. Yes, I do take all of it at just one time in the AM. I haven’t been bothered by interdose problems since I hit 5 mgs. I also take a SNRI (Venlafaxine) about mid day. I’m doing OK, but do resort to an AD (Pregabalin- 25mgs) when the going gets especially tough.

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I'm glad you have A/D experience @[Ja...], you understand it can be tricky getting on the right one while we're in this state.  Its good to know you won't be going down the opioid path, but I certainly understand wanting help, heck, I started on Ambien during my cold turkey recovery, that wasn't a smart thing to do. :wacko:

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Yea the medications are minefield even without this withdrawal,..I’ve literally just noticed my next doses are a different brand as well,.fantastic! this weeks going to be interesting 

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25 minutes ago, [[J...] said:

Yea the medications are minefield even without this withdrawal,..I’ve literally just noticed my next doses are a different brand as well,.fantastic! this weeks going to be interesting 

Uh oh, I've read several posts about this topic, I hope you don't notice any difference. 

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So just took my first dose at 6pm,3mg that leaves 5 mg for tonight,.that was 16 hrs from my usual 3mg night dose at 2 am last night 

I felt the withdrawals kicking in around 5.30,.I would say missing that morning dose has made it a better day overall though

I was mistaken there ive a weeks worth of the same brand thank feck : )



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