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Recognising symptoms whilst on an AD


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It is really unpleasent actually to the point where that and the depression were making me feel really desperate.

If it was the mirt then I might have to re-think things a little. I was like that yesterday too.

Didn't put it together straight away because things can generally be all over the place with this but 2 days in a row and I started the mirt 3 days ago.


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So I started the mirt and then these symptoms started the next day. It was the mirt. Fuck, is anything going to work out for me. 7.5 is a low dose.

I've taken it as a one off a few times and honestly cant remember how I was the next day. I remember being groggy the firs time. Putting it mildly.

Maybe I should not take it tonight and see if I get the same symptoms tomorrow. And if I don't then maybe I'll reduce the dose and try again.


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Jonwil, just remember that it is unusual to not get any side effects at all from an AD when starting up.

What symptoms started the next day after mirt? You have already been dealing with anxiety and depression so I am assuming you mean that weird energetic anxiety? If it were minor symptoms like fatigue and dry mouth I don't think you would be concerned.

If 15 mgs is the lowest therapeutic dose, you can always do a full week at 3.75 and then add 3.75 every 7 days. It will take 22 days to reach 15 mgs but that may ease the startup symptoms.

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

Jonwil, just remember that it is unusual to not get any side effects at all from an AD when starting up.

What symptoms started the next day after mirt? You have already been dealing with anxiety and depression so I am assuming you mean that weird energetic anxiety? If it were minor symptoms like fatigue and dry mouth I don't think you would be concerned.

If 15 mgs is the lowest therapeutic dose, you can always do a full week at 3.75 and then add 3.75 every 7 days. It will take 22 days to reach 15 mgs but that may ease the startup symptoms.

Yeah it was a weird enegetic anxiety. That's a good way of describing it. Really bad though.

It's not as physically debilitating as the normal strong anxiety but in does put you in a desperate state of mind when coupled with the depression.

It's funny but the depression wasn't as heavy today but coupled with that it was bad. I originally thought that because the depression wasnt as heavy the anxiety was coming through more, but now I think it may be the mirt.

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.. I am feeling more anxious since taking the Lexapro at 8:30 this morning, but I feel like I am able to tolerate it more.  Kind of doesn't make sense... increased anxiety AND increased ability to cope with anxiety?

I had feelings that were hard to explain as well when trying to start an AD (2011, first attempt).

So is your plan to not take any tomorrow and then if those symptoms disappear you will start at a lower dose?

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I was thinking don't take tonight and see what happens tomorrow. To be more sure. It really didnt feel like my usual benzo anxiety. Not as intense but yet somehow still as troubling. When I think about it actually it was similar to when I started an ssri years ago. Only that was probably a worse form of the feeling, and I wasn't in withdrawl then.

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1 hour ago, [[j...] said:

Yeah it was a weird enegetic anxiety. That's a good way of describing it. Really bad though.

It's not as physically debilitating as the normal strong anxiety but in does put you in a desperate state of mind when coupled with the depression.

It's funny but the depression wasn't as heavy today but coupled with that it was bad. I originally thought that because the depression wasnt as heavy the anxiety was coming through more, but now I think it may be the mirt.

It can be both benzo wd and mirt combined. I still think if you want to try an ad, mirt or any other, you should do it slowly, more slowly than it's usually recommended. Our nervous system is more than at the edge now bc of benzo and reacts unusually overboard to anything. Just my own experience with different medications. And, yes, i think i know the desperate state of mind. I had smth like that when grew mirt up too quickly. Wanted to kick smth really hard out of desperation then. I didn't have anything like that the second time, when increasing mirt slowly.

53 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

I was thinking don't take tonight and see what happens tomorrow. To be more sure.

I think it might not work at once and, anyway, i'd not recommend jumping up and down on dosages of any psychotropic medication during benzo wd. Did it a lot myself. A really sad experience. 

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