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Wave gone but stuck with severe ocd ?


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Guys I know that ocd is nothing compared to what benzo withdrawal is but ever since I went through this withdrawal my ocd gotten sooo bad and specially after my last wave it's like suddenly a brake in my brain snapped off and all these thoughts come running through my head constantly ! Like what the hell is going on?  I can't concentrate or move on with my day because of stuck thoughts that bring a lot of feeling of guilt and overthinking and also the thoughts are soo bizarre like I'm starting to think I'm developing schizophrenia or something. What is going on I can't think logic anymore ! Plz can someone tell me how to.deal with this 

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I think it's normal to get a what ever mental problems benzo was prescribed for back in full power. In my case insomnia. 

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@[PE...] hi pepe will this go away ? I'm honestly scared of having this for the rest of my life and I heard ssris can help with it but I don't wanna take any medication after what I've been through. I just wanna be normal again 😭

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Just now, [[S...] said:

@[PE...] hi pepe will this go away ? I'm honestly scared of having this for the rest of my life and I heard ssris can help with it but I don't wanna take any medication after what I've been through. I just wanna be normal again 😭

How does coping strategies look for OCD?  

Have you searched?

I had some OCD, mind loops. When in withdrawal. It was annoying to say the least..

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Yea distractions don't help at all I honestly don't know what to do anymore I've heard that it's best not to engage with the thoughts at all and to just let them be there but howw it's soo damn hard and it's literally consuming me ! Most people that are in benzo withdrawal don't even have ocd as bad as mine so why am I the only one having it this bad 😭

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7 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

Yea distractions don't help at all I honestly don't know what to do anymore I've heard that it's best not to engage with the thoughts at all and to just let them be there but howw it's soo damn hard and it's literally consuming me ! Most people that are in benzo withdrawal don't even have ocd as bad as mine so why am I the only one having it this bad 😭

There are zillion possible wd symptoms and it's very individual on what to get. Like a box of chocolates..

For me it was vomiting and akathisia. And i promise it was really hard. A devastating combo. Try to vomit while you need to have your body constantly on the move. I can imagine my home had a sweet smell back then. Also i think i washed myself and showered 3 times last year. I was like a cat i hated water.


I hope it will get better for you ASAP. 



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I have this as bad , I also worry I have schrozaphenia now , I never had it before the drugs ever , I can’t function because of it either , what do we do ? 

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I can’t find away to cope with them either . Distractions also don’t work , I need someone to chime in and help me with this . No engaging with them is near impossible I have tried 

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