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Hey @[Lo...] 

Is it the fear and obsession? We are here for you.

You are going to make it I promise - give yourself grace and positive thoughts only. 

You are strong, it's these moments that test us most and we feel vulnerable, but, this too shall pass. Face the fear knowing this.


I too go through fear and obsession. 

  1. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths when its unbearable
  2. Don't think about the world, take everything little by little
  3. If the kids can take care of themselves, even in the smallest things to help, or a friend/ family member can help that would be great
  4. Turn off social media /take a break
  5. Splash cold water on your face, sip cold water
  6. Build your routine 
  7.  Switch environments, if you are stuck on a thought on that couch then try to sit anywhere else

You can do this <3


Edited by [Js...]
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Ohhh sweetie I'm here going through the same hell if it wasn't for this group of understanding buddies it would have been hell, I'm feeling it, my partner doesn't fully understand the effects of what I am dealing with, family are tired as we go into day 6 you Got this Call someone close if possible 

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2 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Please I need help I’m not going to make it through this 

What in particular is causing you the most stress @[Lo...]?

There are often times when people feel they have reached the limits of what they can bear only to find out they are much more resilient than they think.

If you are going through a rough spell right now just remember that it will pass. I went through some of your history and not too long ago you said you felt about 80% healed. This last 20% may just require a lot of work on your cns's part. Although healing produces necessary changes, some of those changes will produce symptoms and feelings that are very uncomfortable. It's times like this where you need to take a step back and remind yourself of the bigger overall picture. This horrible moment in time does not represent how things always were and also not how they always will be.

If you are having any further doubts about your ability to cope, I implore you to seek out medical help if you feel this has become a crisis. Even if it has not quite reached that point, you should inform close friends or loved ones about how you are currently feeling. Never underestimate the comfort that face to face support can give, or even voice to voice should you need to call a crisis line.

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Thank you . I just feel so unwell and I can’t take these thoughts any more , I feel like running out my house screaming , no one cares , I just can’t take it and I’ve lost my life it’s unbearable , I have a stuck looping thought that won’t stop I’m so afraid , I don’t know what to do , im So afraid , I feel like everybody is watching me


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15 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

Thank you . I just feel so unwell and I can’t take these thoughts any more , I feel like running out my house screaming , no one cares , I just can’t take it and I’ve lost my life it’s unbearable , I have a stuck looping thought that won’t stop I’m so afraid , I don’t know what to do , im So afraid , I feel like everybody is watching me

Are intrusive thoughts primarily your worst symptom? If so, is it one particular thought or does it keep changing?

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Anxiety from WD can often exacerbate rumination or ocd. Don't try to fight the thought as that tells your brain it is a threat. You want to convince the brain that this thought is not worth your time.

If the thought gives you a strong emotional reaction, perhaps an adrenaline surge, then it will keep appearing nonstop. If you thought there was a tiger in the bushes, your brain would constantly keep that thought I'm your mind over anything else until it thinks the issue is resolved. Self-preservation is instinctual. Whatever is plaguing you now is essentially the 'tiger in the bush' to the brain according to how it sees you respond to it.

When you finally permit that thought to be there, accepting it's presence, you will slowly become less mentally and physically reactive to it. Over time the brain will find the thought to be less important and file it away in a memory bin. It won't happen overnight. The brain needs consistent proof that this thought does not need your attention, and the best way to convince it is to accept the thought with open arms and maybe even apply some humor to its presence as well.

As someone that suffered with intrusive thoughts so severe that they made me vomit, I can understand your anguish. 

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Yes I vomit , I can’t eat , honestly this trigger is alway very wide spread so it effects everything around me it made me afraid of anything slightly connected to the thought , so now I can’t go out , I can’t see people I’m affarid everyone is watching me , I’m scared someone is coming to get me , how do you deal with this 

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16 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

Yes I vomit , I can’t eat , honestly this trigger is alway very wide spread so it effects everything around me it made me afraid of anything slightly connected to the thought , so now I can’t go out , I can’t see people I’m affarid everyone is watching me , I’m scared someone is coming to get me , how do you deal with this 

@[Lo...] There isn't an "I care" emotion to click, so I just want you to know that I care about how you are feeling right now and hope some of the words Crono and others share with you will resonate with you and help you through this tough time.

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14 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

I’m afraid I’m going to get sectioned and end up on high doses of antipsychotics 

That was my fear as well. I became so afraid of my thoughts and being unable to control them that my imagination ran wild with all these visions of becoming heavily medicated in a hospital. It was a feeling of being trapped. Stay home and let the thoughts overwhelm you or go to the ward and let the medications overwhelm you.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. Focus on dealing with the anxiety, and not the thoughts, for right now. Focusing on the thoughts is like focusing on your fast heart rate trying to get it to slow down, won't work. Focus on overcoming your anxiety and you will overcome the thoughts.

Believe me when I say it doesn't matter what the thought is about. It is still a thought.

This video might help you.


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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

Volutans and everybody else thank you , I’m so frightened , I feel something has happened to my brain 

@[Lo...] I was hospitalized for intrusive thoughts because I didn't have the help that we have here. Please focus on the advice, keep deep breathing over and over and over again, slowly, until you can get those thoughts to calm down your mind....I'm staying on your post to see if you can get yourself in a calmer state of mind.

1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

Volutans and everybody else thank you , I’m so frightened , I feel something has happened to my brain 


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I fear something really bad is going to happen to me , if I ignore the thoughts I’m ignoring what terrible things are going to happen to me 

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2 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Volutans and everybody else thank you , I’m so frightened , I feel something has happened to my brain 

Something did happen to your brain, benzo withdrawal often leaves people susceptible to stress and anxiety for a long time, especially if in a wave or protracted wave.

That anxiety will take your worst fears, ocds, etc.. and magnify then 100x and force you to think about them nonstop. This abnormality is actually 'normal' for severe anxiety and ocd. There was a girl that worked herself up in a panic because she had an intrusive thought about harming people. She was scared to go outside or be around people because she thought that she would eventually act on it since it was present constantly. After all, if she can't even stop a simple thought how is she supposed to stop an action? Well the action never did come, and she eventually learned that when she stopped caring about the thought, so did her brain. That girl was my sister. She is doing good now, but still has ocd.

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I don’t know how to get it to calm down , I feel like running to someone to help me and I honestly feel I’m stuck with the worst thought and I’m scared everyone in my town and the world who knows me is going to turn on me and im

gljng to end up somewhere really bad 

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

I fear something really bad is going to happen to me , if I ignore the thoughts I’m ignoring what terrible things are going to happen to me 

You perfectly summed up my own irrational thought process when I was having intrusive thoughts. You feel like if you stop fighting the thought or thinking about possible ways to prevent the outcome of the thought, that you will get overwhelmed and the thought will become reality. That is not how things happen.

How about this. Give yourself the next 3 days to stop caring enough to fight the thought. You have been fighting it this whole time, so what is 3 days? After your 3 days you can go back to confronting the thought, unless you learned that you no longer need to.

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Really , my thought I feel is even worse than that , honestly I feel like the government might be coming for me I’m petrified and in terror . I have children and I can’t focus on them at all , I’m scared I’m going to lose my mind and leave them all while I end up in some frightful place 

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If I try to stop caring about the thought my dread and impending doom get worse and I think you’re just ignoring what’s coming for you. If I leave my house and see someone then the thought gets bigger and bigger if I go to my kids school I feel everyone is coming for me all this because of something that happened that im

sacred happened and i feel it’s real 

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Benzodiazepines are very good at finding our worst fears and exploiting them to the point where we lose our ability to discern reality.  I had to repeat a set of phrases when my irrational fears would take hold, I'd say:  This isn't real, this isn't me and it won't be me when I recover. 

I hope you can find a comforting thought to say out loud, its important you stop these thoughts because they're causing you more stress and stress will cause worse symptoms. 

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I’m really not living I look awful and can’t even shower hardly or look desent , I can’t go to the hairdressers I swear all the time il

scared to be alone , I’m terrified of everyone , I’m scared of anyone who knows me , I’m scared I’m going to be shamed and taken away . I can’t take these feelings anymore . I was so healthy before these drugs , they have destroyed me 

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Pamster I feel this trigger is too big , it’s real it’s going to happen to me , I feel it is , I’m too scared to fight it , I will try the not caring for 3 days teqniuqe convo how do we do this ? 

I fear I’ve done somthing terrible and im Going to lose my life over it , my family tell me it hasn’t happened but I feel it has 

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At this very moment all you should concentrate on is you, I know This is overwhelming but getting stressed out will make your symptoms worse, Don't think about other people or how you might look concentrate on what is important 

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