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Pretty fast tapering and really long time using


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Hello found this place thank god! I hav very long history with benzos first I get them prescripted from doctor but in some point they stopped writing them for me and I started buy them from black market cause when I tried stop withdrawals where insane I always thinked at that time Im gonna use them rest of my life.

But then I get rehab and starting suboxone treatment(yes I was using it too) cause I can't stop them both same time. First I get 30mg diazepam and it was changed to 45mg oxamin in 2weeks that was hell but not that much hell than cold turkeys when I tried stop when I get out of meds. Then 7.5mg off 2week and then 1week to 7.5mg but it was too hard doctor giv me more time and 7.5mg off after 2weeks then 2weeks and7.5mg like that. Now I have been without medicent 2weeks feeling better than last week Iit was horror I can tell anxious and I got couple times few hours I didn't understand when my girl friend was talking to me.

Now when I hav been readed stories, my tapering was too fast and I'm kinda angry to doctor I don't want to go back but still feeling angry cause this was very dangerous. I hav been using phenibut to help me with withdrawal it's only medicent that helps something I'm gonna taper it off as soon my mind is more peaceful than know. So I feel like I hav small brain damage feeling so weird in my head can these be possible?

Edit. I also can't sleep I sleep like two hours then wake then hour then wake. I'm not hungry but I try to eat.

And I'm not suggesting phenibut to anyone I only used it cause my taper was so fast and it helped. But know when medicent stopped it won't help so much it hit gaba too but not same way as benzos. 

Sorry for my bad English.

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Hello @[be...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Congratulations on being benzo free, I know quitting cold turkey is rough but the good news is, you can recover just fine, I did!  

You're in what we call the acute stage, this is when the symptoms are the most intense but they should lessen in the next few weeks.  Recovery from benzodiazepine use takes a long time, your patience will be tested but acceptance and distraction are your best tools right now.

Its good you realize adjunct medications like phenibut need to be tapered, but that will be a challenge for another day.

We're glad you found us.


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Thank you pamster very good to know recovery from this is possible, I'm so done with those pills and that I always need them if I'm going anywhere. Now I'm at home mostly. And I need to find ways to deal with anxiety stress and stuff. Glad to found this place feel so alone sometimes when people don't understand.

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@[be...], the good news is, most members discover that once they're free from the benzo's, normal anxiety, stress and panic are so much easier to deal with than the anxiety on steroids the drug produces.

Its so great not to be a slave to a stupid pill anymore, you're going to love the freedom.  

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Thank you feeling little bit better already. I hav readed lot from recovery and know it's hard but definitely worth of it! I try eating healthy food vitamins and stuff. And when the feeling comes I'm going crazy I'll be inside. 

Edited by [be...]
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