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Intrusive thoughts


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I can’t handle my intrusive thoughts, they are stopping me from eating sleeping showering my anxiety is so high help pls is this withdrawal 

I cut Valium 8 days ago 

 0.6 mg cut last 6 weeks each week 0.6 

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I am tapering Valium also (diazepam). Prior to this I had taken the equivalent of 60mgs for thirty years. I’m down to .333 mgs/day. I originally started taking Benzos to combat my GAD and OCD. Ruminating thoughts and memories have haunted me for years. Without the Benzos, you can imagine what it’s been like. I’ve had extensive therapy and explored alternative means of support in terms of meditation and research into Eastern ways of thought. No mind altering drugs of any kind. I’m slowly getting to the point where I can live more in the moment and realize that my thoughts are a separate entity unto themselves. You are not your thoughts. Your memories and thoughts do not represent the way things really happened. I’ve even had to list my most troublesome ruminations and spend time sorting through them. This can be exhausting, but in the end, very helpful. Anything that you can do that will help distract you: music, reading, movies (in home) will also help. Best wishes sorting this out. It is indeed one of the most difficult things about WD.

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I recently jumped from Valium too. Took 5mg for 4 years, 2.5mg for four months and 1mg for a week. 

I have the same sxs you all described. It can get unbearable, I just try to go slow and tell myself it's okay, this is just healing. Distracting yourself with something can help. Maybe TV, video games, music, cartoons. I find it helps even a little. 

Just know this is temporary and will pass. The brain is healing and unfortunately has to go through these steps. 

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i also cut like 10 days ago. Clonazepam though. I stopped Valium years ago.
We all should open a club. Make posters and everything. But then again... no.
Is there anything you still enjoy 1234? Anything you can still do in your state?
I guess some thougts will go away. I think one needs patience. Im in a horrible state as well.
Well i hope it goes away. Maybe we should have patience just to find out?
I like what knackered said. I think a lot can be done by philosophy or whatever you wanna call it. 
I like to cook, still. Even though i am not hungry most times, i cook every day.
2-3-4 courses. Lots of time spend in cooking. My girlfriend is happier than me about it.
It feels quite good. Reading helped. Helps still, sometimes. Walking/Hiking helped me as well.
Actually lying in bed and sleep is the best. Audiobooks help me. Ive been through "Lord of the rings" several times since i am tapering. I have a spectacular view from my balcony.
Just to sit there: read, drink, think, look, smoke is quite good sometimes.
All of these things can lead to intrusive thoughts, too. And they do sometimes.
I do question everything more though when i am doing nothing.
Why you stopped valium and what do you want?

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Hi Schala I to recently tapered unfortunately it was a bit quicker than I expected for the last month ,was on 15mg then 2 weeks ago cut to 10mg then 2.5mg and had to cut again last week to 1mg as my doctor wouldn't prescribe any more I have been on valium more than 10yrs came of last year with taper got sick and ended up back on them so yes best to keep yourself distracted, as I have learnt 

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I haven't jumped, but I am at 44% now of my original C Tablet. I understand that my sxs are not near as bad, but I can honestly say my intrusive thoughts, especially causing insomnia, did pass. 

I can't even imagine what some are going through that have either cold-turkeyed or tapered too fast because my wd sxs are big enough for me that my heart truly goes out to those that are having my sxs, but probably 10 times worse, or more :(♥️

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1 hour ago, [[k...] said:

I am tapering Valium also (diazepam). Prior to this I had taken the equivalent of 60mgs for thirty years. I’m down to .333 mgs/day. I originally started taking Benzos to combat my GAD and OCD. Ruminating thoughts and memories have haunted me for years. Without the Benzos, you can imagine what it’s been like. I’ve had extensive therapy and explored alternative means of support in terms of meditation and research into Eastern ways of thought. No mind altering drugs of any kind. I’m slowly getting to the point where I can live more in the moment and realize that my thoughts are a separate entity unto themselves. You are not your thoughts. Your memories and thoughts do not represent the way things really happened. I’ve even had to list my most troublesome ruminations and spend time sorting through them. This can be exhausting, but in the end, very helpful. Anything that you can do that will help distract you: music, reading, movies (in home) will also help. Best wishes sorting this out. It is indeed one of the most difficult things about WD.

30 years 60 mgs I can’t begin to imagine how painful your taper is I’m so sorry your suffering with ocd. I too have been suffering from it lately and it is so painful: how is your taper schedul? What dose are you on now 

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1 hour ago, [[j...] said:

This is a problem for me to. Things would be so much more manageable without this symptom flaring up.

Me too I always say this to my self if it wasn’t for this particular symptom it would be so much easier 

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25 minutes ago, [[s...] said:

i also cut like 10 days ago. Clonazepam though. I stopped Valium years ago.
We all should open a club. Make posters and everything. But then again... no.
Is there anything you still enjoy 1234? Anything you can still do in your state?
I guess some thougts will go away. I think one needs patience. Im in a horrible state as well.
Well i hope it goes away. Maybe we should have patience just to find out?
I like what knackered said. I think a lot can be done by philosophy or whatever you wanna call it. 
I like to cook, still. Even though i am not hungry most times, i cook every day.
2-3-4 courses. Lots of time spend in cooking. My girlfriend is happier than me about it.
It feels quite good. Reading helped. Helps still, sometimes. Walking/Hiking helped me as well.
Actually lying in bed and sleep is the best. Audiobooks help me. Ive been through "Lord of the rings" several times since i am tapering. I have a spectacular view from my balcony.
Just to sit there: read, drink, think, look, smoke is quite good sometimes.
All of these things can lead to intrusive thoughts, too. And they do sometimes.
I do question everything more though when i am doing nothing.
Why you stopped valium and what do you want?

I’m so sorry your suffering I’m happy you have the energy to cook and hike it’s amazing 

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I didn't have a choice I'm already getting symptoms and the doctor wouldn't help I have a support group they call, but won't help taper benzos so I had no other choice but CT I have 2 1.5mg in which I have halved twice I have tapered the best I can with CBD oil and vaping and keeping busy 

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