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First wave... 3 weeks out.


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So this huuuge wave (my first one) just came out of nowhere like an hour ago. I'm three weeks out. Is this supposed to happen? I feel depressed. Like really sad. When will it be over? Are we talking hours/days? Please help!

Edited by [in...]
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Hello @[in...],

It’s not uncommon to be in a wave this early off benzos. It happened to me when I jumped off. I thought I felt great, it was a honeymoon of sorts. A couple of weeks later I got hit with strong symptoms. I tapered from diazepam which has a very long half life. I think things just caught up to me.

Remember, you are still in the acute phase of withdrawal, where the symptoms can be the strongest. This phase is different for everyone in terms of how long it lasts. 

Try to find ways to distract yourself. I remember early days having easy going movies going day and night. I didn’t necessarily pay much attention to them, but just having something to do other than ruminate about how I felt really helped me. From that point I amassed a lot of distractions, my bag of tricks.

You are on the other side of benzos now, your system will work to find balance again. 

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Hi, @[in...], so sorry for you to catch the wave. I think this nonlinearity of the process makes everything twice as torturous but here we are, just kind of surfing... My first wave caught up with me about 1.5 months after i'd jumped off. I was very curious myself to know how long a wave could last. Mine are usually rather longish but i always have good days during a wave. Really hope it all won't take you long.  Just don't feel too upset and disappointed. It's simply smth to live through and get better.

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12 minutes ago, [[i...] said:

So it could last for a week or something? 🙃

I think it's rather individual. For me a wave looks kind off symptoms worsening for 2-3 days then 1-2 "days off" and all over again till the wave is over. But it can be different for you. Although, by my observations, there is usually some time within a wave to let you make a breath. For me it's always 1-2 days in a row.

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1 hour ago, [[p...] said:

Hello @[in...],

It’s not uncommon to be in a wave this early off benzos. It happened to me when I jumped off. I thought I felt great, it was a honeymoon of sorts. A couple of weeks later I got hit with strong symptoms. I tapered from diazepam which has a very long half life. I think things just caught up to me.

Remember, you are still in the acute phase of withdrawal, where the symptoms can be the strongest. This phase is different for everyone in terms of how long it lasts. 

Try to find ways to distract yourself. I remember early days having easy going movies going day and night. I didn’t necessarily pay much attention to them, but just having something to do other than ruminate about how I felt really helped me. From that point I amassed a lot of distractions, my bag of tricks.

You are on the other side of benzos now, your system will work to find balance again. 

Are we talking hours or weeks per wave? I'm trying to plan ahead so I won't be in chock in the future 😅

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27 minutes ago, [[i...] said:

Are we talking hours or weeks per wave? I'm trying to plan ahead so I won't be in chock in the future 😅

I would suggest not looking at the calendar. When I did that it took a lot of pressure off. Acceptance and patience were hard to obtain, but worthwhile in the end. 

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50 minutes ago, [[p...] said:

I would suggest not looking at the calendar. When I did that it took a lot of pressure off. Acceptance and patience were hard to obtain, but worthwhile in the end. 

So weeks then. No, I hear you. It's just patience is not my strong card!

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1 hour ago, [[i...] said:

So weeks then. No, I hear you. It's just patience is not my strong card!

Impatience can lead you to to disappointment my good buddie.

Consider this wave as a right of passage or badge of honor for coming off of benzos. It is better to expect waves and hope for the best than it is to expect no waves and be unprepared for the worst.

You can get through your waves just like you did your taper-withdrawal symptoms. You may find out you are a lot stronger than you think you are.

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Impatience can lead you to to disappointment my good buddie.

Consider this wave as a right of passage or badge of honor for coming off of benzos. It is better to expect waves and hope for the best than it is to expect no waves and be unprepared for the worst.

You can get through your waves just like you did your taper-withdrawal symptoms. You may find out you are a lot stronger than you think you are.

Hey! Thanks for answering! It's much appreciated 💯 👍 

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@[in...] just hold on! First waves are the worst. With time simptoms easy up. And you will be functional again even during the wave! Remember if you are feeling sad or depressed it will all pass. You are not in real depresion as soon as wave pass jump up to get out watter from ears And you will feel good again. 🌊

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12 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

@[...] @[pi...] can you explain to me little more about duiration of waves And how do you know wave is over or is just a break till its over. Because it looks like i was counting break like a window 🫣

To tell the truth, i don't know for sure. It's just i have had this pattern of every few days since i hit severe tolerance, meaning started to suffer from interdose withdrawal while still on benzo prior to tapering.

When i'm in a wave i have fewer "days off', lots of symptoms coming back and everything feels harder in general. Other time, i still have bad days but way fewer and of less intensity. It all just feels. I think it's very individual too and, in fact, not important, just personal description. I guess whenever we feel better, it can be considered as a window:)

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1 hour ago, [[i...] said:

Since my memory is switched to "off". What dose where you on? When did you quit? When did you start to feel the change for the better with the waves?

Thanks! Your answers are truly appreciated!! 💯🙏

So as not to take up too much space, the short version of my benzo use is stated in my profile, activity, but i haven't updated it since i signed in. I'm 15 months off. To my great surprise, I got a bit better at the end of my taper. Was no end happy about it but didn't feel really well. My anxiety way lessened around 3 months off and never grew up to its original level, wave or no wave. The next qualitative leap in my condition happened in my 9th month. Waves are still waves but for me it's only physical now, growing muscle stiffness and pain, perhaps, partly due to the recent vaccine. It doesn't prevent me from enjoying life, walking, meeting friends, in-line skating)) It's just my experience. We're all unique, although i guess a wd pattern can be sometimes similar. Sorry if doesn't sound too optimistic but for me, it does:classic_smile: 

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4 hours ago, [[D...] said:

@[...] @[pi...] can you explain to me little more about duiration of waves And how do you know wave is over or is just a break till its over. Because it looks like i was counting break like a window 🫣

I believe that anytime you have a reduction of symptoms or a complete release from them, it is a window. I had some full open windows but I also had times where the symptoms were much less, but still there, underneath. How long do waves last? That’s the magic question. The answer is until they are over, until the system adjusts.

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