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I’ve had several sessions with Dr Jenn Leigh, she was loving, reassuring and helpful. She gave me many suggestions of how to decrease fear of my symptoms. She normalized every single thing I told her. But of course she can’t take away the ridiculous and awful suffering of this freaking 6 month wave.

 My sxs keep morphing and the insomnia and mental anguish, neuro emotions and panic just keep going. I am trapped in a fucking nightmare unable to see friends or my kids. 

im trying so hard to ‘accept’ what is happening to me because that’s supposed to make it a lot easier. But it is so so hard and I’m so tired and mad and sad and scared.  Dr Jenn told me that every single person she’s worked with has healed, 2000 ppl.

As usual all support is appreciated, esp from anyone who has recovered 💕🙏

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Baylissa has helped over 17,000 and also says we all heal.

Radical Acceptance is tricky but I do think it is helpful as in accept, direct, act: Accept today I can only feed myself, direct my attention on what I am going to eat, act in making it.

If that’s all you can do today? I say SUCCESS as most days I can hardly muster that.

I haven’t seen my friends for over 2 years and it’s almost unbearable. Yet I remind myself this is temporary, not degenerative like ALS and that day WILL come! And it will for you too.

I get it, I really do. Hopefully a beautiful window is right around the corner with full healing right behind!

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What is your sleep like gutsy? Also what major symptoms can you remember that used to bother you and went away or got better during these past 7 years?

If you knew that this wave was going to end on a specific date it would definitely be easier to endure these symptoms. It could very well be that the end of this wave may be just around the corner. Withdrawal gave me one last round of severe mental symptoms as a parting gift. During that round I never could even fathom that relief could occur so soon after such severe suffering, but just like that I woke up one morning and felt almost 80% better.

Try your best not to stress about what you can't do during this wave and keep your focus on anything that you can do.  Then do those things to help pass the time. Dr. Jenn has probably dealt with many cases similar to yours, so try not to let fear dominate the way you view your recovery. 

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1 hour ago, [[g...] said:

I’ve had several sessions with Dr Jenn Leigh, she was loving, reassuring and helpful. She gave me many suggestions of how to decrease fear of my symptoms. She normalized every single thing I told her. But of course she can’t take away the ridiculous and awful suffering of this freaking 6 month wave.

 My sxs keep morphing and the insomnia and mental anguish, neuro emotions and panic just keep going. I am trapped in a fucking nightmare unable to see friends or my kids. 

im trying so hard to ‘accept’ what is happening to me because that’s supposed to make it a lot easier. But it is so so hard and I’m so tired and mad and sad and scared.  Dr Jenn told me that every single person she’s worked with has healed, 2000 ppl.

As usual all support is appreciated, esp from anyone who has recovered 💕🙏

Acceptance of your symptoms is a good way to get through. This is what I do. Some days are going to be better than others but in the end we all heal. On tough days I am easy on myself and go with whatever happens. My goal for those days is to just make it through. 

Healing is just like seasons. They happen quickly and change gradually. But it is guaranteed to change. 

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Crono, I used to dream of that happening for me, a sudden shift.  But after 6 mos., not so much anymore.  I’m afraid to ask how long that bad wave was for you because if it’s shorter than 6 mos., my brain will hook that…. Actually the mental sxs have only been a real horror show for about 3 mos 😬🫣

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