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Resentment to people who are unsupportive


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58 minutes ago, [[H...] said:

The best advice i got is to tell your self time after time that you forgive and bless all the people that has harmed you .If not you will end up eating yourself from inside with hate .It is a releafe to forgive and bless feels better .

I agree with this with personal relationships. I cant expect people at my work to understand or care for that manner.

I do hold my Dr accountable for this. I trusted him to give me help without harm. He doesn't acknowledge I was drug harmed he believes I did it to myself. He has been unsupportive and condescending through this whole process making it that much more difficult. I am not expecting him to give me all his attention just acknowledgment that I am suffering and positive responses instead of "You dont know how to take care of yourself."

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31 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Unlike most here I got myself into this mess and not a doctor. I find it hard to forgive myself, I feel stupid. I do agree that most doctors are clueless with regards to these drugs. That's based on my experiences of them since.

Even if someone makes a catastophic mistake, that leads them to a lot of pesonal suffering, they at least deserve to have there suffering acknowledged. The maybe even deserve to be forgiven for there mistake.

A lot of people will find it easier and preferable to turn away from you. Whether its lack of understanding, lack of compassion, or both. This is a huge test of personal inner strength. I sometimes refer to this as a process, as do many of us. I'm starting to think of it more as survival.

You didnt ask for this to happen to you. You went to your Dr to help you in a time you needed help. You trusted your Dr to help you not harm you. No one deserves this. A Dr should acknowledge how their patient feels and not dismiss it as all in your head. 

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4 minutes ago, [[E...] said:

You didnt ask for this to happen to you. You went to your Dr to help you in a time you needed help. You trusted your Dr to help you not harm you. No one deserves this. A Dr should acknowledge how their patient feels and not dismiss it as all in your head. 

That's just it, I didn't. I bought them illegally. And I knew they were addictive. Thought I could out smart them. I was wrong. Now I have to pay the piper.

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1 minute ago, [[j...] said:

That's just it, I didn't. I bought them illegally. And I knew they were addictive. Thought I could out smart them. I was wrong. Now I have to pay the piper.

You still dont deserve to suffer. We all make mistakes in life and you should never feel ashamed. I was addicted to cannabis for many years. I have stopped it now. We are all paying the piper here. 

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Jonwil  -  how could you ever know how hard it would be and the length of time it would take?  The human suffering involved.  None of us could have imagined this.  This stuff is harder to get off of than any other drug.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.


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This thread is going to turn into a confession thread where everyone states their purported vices in search of absolution for a cathartic release. And I am totally fine with that :socool:

Jon it doesn't matter if you are the pope or, heaven forbid, someone that likes black licorice. We all make bad choices and have regrets. Our mistakes are there to be learned from and to endow us with wisdom only gained from experience.

Benzo withdrawal doesn't care how the meds were acquired or who took them. Young/Old, rich/poor, virtuous/miscreant, anyone can be caught up in it's web. 

I think that for the most part, this whole process can humble many people and change their lives for better.

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11 hours ago, [[E...] said:

I have been and had been going through hell to get through this and have had no support system around me. In fact people have been harmful to my recovery including my Dr. 

I have been finding myself feeling resentment to those people and am angry that I have had such no support. I ak starting to feel this especially to my Dr and some family and my coworkers. I guess hurt feelings are becoming angry feelings now.

It has been a truly lonely experience. 

Hi @[En...]

I am left alone in this as well. Only my mother who is 80 believes me and in helping and providing care when i cant even take care of myself.

I found a psychologist who is benzo wise and i have CBT 1 hour session every 2 weeks and he's helping me cope and at least listens and believes in me.

The rest have left me, gaslit me or thought i was making it up.

So i am going through this on my own with the help of Buddies here.

I do feel what you mean, i lost my best friends and when this all ends i am sure they will reach out to meet for diner or hang out but then, and only then, i will speak. I dont get a single call to ask how i am or if i need help with anything and they know what is going on cause i told them, one of them even text me asking for a favor, something that need to be repaired in his house (of course i said no) but some day i will tell them to f****k off for all this but until then, i try to keep calm and focus in myself, learning to be selfish cause that is the person i wanna be after WD.


Edited by [Do...]
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15 hours ago, [[k...] said:

We should start a club. Many more here would quickly join. I hate to say it, but this sort of thing goes with the territory. My Dr. didn’t even believe or acknowledge my symptoms. Friends have deserted due to the fact that I can’t drink alcohol at dinners and backyard BBQ’s anymore. My lovely and supportive wife and family have long since grown weary of my compromised ability to do much of anything. Yet, they expect me to show up in life whenever requested. I’ve come to the decision that the only place I can dump my grief is right here. Nobody else believes the stuff I’m going through or wants to hear about it. 

Right, I'd just like to be heard, perhaps understood, at least recognized. Not asking for sacrifice just bit of empathy. Sounds trite perhaps but it's a way to see emotionally, mentally, psychologically etc what's going on in someone else, right where support happens. Thanks BB

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After I got the reaction 'Surely that's not possible!' from a couple of friends, I haven't tried telling anyone else what I've been going through for 7 years. Things are much better now with me, but for the first few years after my valium cold turkey there were many times when some understanding and support would have been most welcome. Thank goodness I found this site to be reassured I wasn't the only one in such a horrible situation :)

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