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Desperate for help In Norway


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My ship is going down fast now i need help.I have no support anywhere i dont know a single person i the world.I found god and that helps alot  I tried to get support from healthcare here in Norway with no luck even i payd taxes for 40 years. I have been totally alone because of traumas that has happend to me. I dont have trghe power to write all that now. I really need a person that can help me with some erends and to talk with .I also feel i dont get the help i deserve from norway healtcare I have the money to pay anyone that can help me.Im a male 56 .Before all this benzohell started 2 years ago i was doing fine just had a little normal anxiety and i like to work out and hiking and motorcycles.Im a kind person never done anything evil to anyone so why did i end up like this?? .

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Hello @[He...],

My heart goes out to you. You have experienced some very difficult times, that alone can cause a myriad of issues. When compounded with benzos and withdrawal, the end result can be challenging. However, it is doable to survive and in fact recover from all of these traumas. 

I was trying to read your earlier posts to confirm whether you are still taking a benzo. Are you off benzos now? 

The withdrawal process can be very solitary. Sometimes this is by choice, where being alone is easier than being around a lot of stimulation. In others cases, sadly, those around don’t choose to understand the situation and learn about the impact benzos have on the entire body and mind.

I am not familiar with available resources in Norway, but if it were me, I’d try to seek out some counseling or therapy to deal with the traumas that led you to taking benzos. 

In terms of benzo withdrawal it’s important to know that you are stronger than the drug, that you can and will allow you system to recover. Most of all, know that you are not alone. We do understand what you are going through and will support you. This forum was my lifeline during the throes of withdrawal. I did not share this experience with friends or acquaintances. Here people understood. 

You can be the person you were before benzos, maybe even stronger and wiser.  

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@[He...], you mention you have money, are you looking to hire someone to help with errands and tasks?  I don't know if you have something comparable in Norway but in the US, there is a website called care.com filled with people looking for jobs and people looking to hire them.  They offer childcare, elder care, housekeeping and general companionship, do you have something like that? 


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8 hours ago, [[p...] said:

Hello @[He...],

My heart goes out to you. You have experienced some very difficult times, that alone can cause a myriad of issues. When compounded with benzos and withdrawal, the end result can be challenging. However, it is doable to survive and in fact recover from all of these traumas. 

I was trying to read your earlier posts to confirm whether you are still taking a benzo. Are you off benzos now? 

The withdrawal process can be very solitary. Sometimes this is by choice, where being alone is easier than being around a lot of stimulation. In others cases, sadly, those around don’t choose to understand the situation and learn about the impact benzos have on the entire body and mind.

I am not familiar with available resources in Norway, but if it were me, I’d try to seek out some counseling or therapy to deal with the traumas that led you to taking benzos. 

In terms of benzo withdrawal it’s important to know that you are stronger than the drug, that you can and will allow you system to recover. Most of all, know that you are not alone. We do understand what you are going through and will support you. This forum was my lifeline during the throes of withdrawal. I did not share this experience with friends or acquaintances. Here people understood. 

You can be the person you were before benzos, maybe even stronger and wiser.  

Thanks for your nice reply Pianogirl! The forum has been a lifeline for me to ,but i wish i found it before i got prescribed benzo and i wish some doctor could have told me that it is dangerous to take this drug to long.I dont blame the doctor that first convinced me to start taking it .she was very young and i dont think she knew . I have used the benzo over 9 month started with 5mg vival same as valium and it helped alot the first months .then after some months i dropped down to 2,5mg .I remeber i had wd back then but mostly at night sweating and brethingproblems and anxiety and pain in back. I did not think that it was from the vival then. So after some more months i just stopped taking the benzo and hell broke lose after 4 days with panicattack and feeling i was dying and severe pain in body and belly.I called my doc and she tol me to start taking benzo again and i did start up with 2,5mg after that i used about 1 month to get stable .Then i found benzobuddies and dr ashton manual and all that.I wish i had found that earlier !!!. I told my doc about the wd problem and ask if she could please read on the benzobudies and the Heather ashton manual.She is kind and have read some from the benzobuddies and agree that i can taper slowly. My taper has been very slow so far since may last year i have only managed to taper down to 1,525mg  .I use a sandingpaper on a table and sand off the pill and weigh it on a microscale.The taper has been hell so far but have windows where i can get out of my flat. Again thanks for reply i means alot.

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4 hours ago, [[P...] said:

@[He...], you mention you have money, are you looking to hire someone to help with errands and tasks?  I don't know if you have something comparable in Norway but in the US, there is a website called care.com filled with people looking for jobs and people looking to hire them.  They offer childcare, elder care, housekeeping and general companionship, do you have something like that? 

Thanks for advice Pamster! i think that is the way to go now.I think there is private care providers here in Norway. I have been thinking for a while to hang up a note on food stores that i need help with things and need someone to help  me as a job  , but it also feels like i have reached the bottom in life.I have "good" periods windows when i manage to go out from the flat and do some shopping and other stuff that has to be done.One strange thing is i have developed high anxiety driving my car so mostly i drive my motorcycle so i can get away if caught up in traffick or panicking.

If i only could work out like i used to to get that relaxed feeling ,Now after tapering on benzo i can not work out at all because i get inflamation in joints and get exremely sore fore many days even with light weights and the worst is that my anxiety and panic feelings get worse from workout.Its like the brain thinks that since i work out the body have to be in fight / flight mode and flushes out adrenaline and cortisol to make sure im ready if something bad is going to happen.

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17 minutes ago, [[H...] said:

Thanks for advice Pamster! i think that is the way to go now.I think there is private care providers here in Norway. I have been thinking for a while to hang up a note on food stores that i need help with things and need someone to help  me as a job  , but it also feels like i have reached the bottom in life.I have "good" periods windows when i manage to go out from the flat and do some shopping and other stuff that has to be done.One strange thing is i have developed high anxiety driving my car so mostly i drive my motorcycle so i can get away if caught up in traffick or panicking.

If i only could work out like i used to to get that relaxed feeling ,Now after tapering on benzo i can not work out at all because i get inflamation in joints and get exremely sore fore many days even with light weights and the worst is that my anxiety and panic feelings get worse from workout.Its like the brain thinks that since i work out the body have to be in fight / flight mode and flushes out adrenaline and cortisol to make sure im ready if something bad is going to happen.

It looks like you're making progress, you're down to 1.525 mgs?  I'm hopeful that once you're finished with your taper and have spent some time in recovery that things will be better for you and you'll once again be able to work out and do many of your own tasks but for now, it sounds like a good idea to hire some help. 

This is a temporary situation, I know it doesn't seem that way but you have the ability to recover, we all do so please don't stop hoping.

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Thanks ! yes when the storms is blowing hard i try to say small senteses over and over like: I can make this  : Im strong : This will pass one day I will not let this devilbenzo beat me :God will help me

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2 hours ago, [[H...] said:

Thanks ! yes when the storms is blowing hard i try to say small senteses over and over like: I can make this  : Im strong : This will pass one day I will not let this devilbenzo beat me :God will help me

You will get through this and you will be stronger than most people ever after. That's what I tell myself and truely believe 🥰

It's good that you got your doctor to work with you on this. Well done!

You have also made progress, even though it feels small. It's still progress. You're nervous system was seriously shuck up when you stopped cold turkey so it's understandable that you need to go slow. May I advice you, since your doctor is onboard with going slow, just keep going. It doesn't matter if it's slow.. Just keep on going. Slow and steady won the race 😃 One day you will be done. And you might feel better and be able to go faster sometime too.

So sorry to hear you are suffering and I hope someone can advocate for you if you need some medical service that you have right to. 

You can get some emotional support here at least. And keep on praying, faith is superpower 🥰

I wish you all the best and I know you will get through this if you just keep on keeping on. We are so much stronger than we think 💪🏼💪🏼

Sending hugs

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I’m so sorry you find yourself in such a difficult situation. 

3 hours ago, [[H...] said:

I think there is private care providers here in Norway. I have been thinking for a while to hang up a note on food stores that i need help with things and need someone to help  me as a job  ,

I don’t know how things are or work in Norway but in Australia we have reputable organisations that you can contact that help place qualified registered people to assist with care. I’m concerned that placing a random advertisement might attract the wrong people as I see so many fraudsters scamming sick people out of money and not delivering on services promised. Please just ensure that you are not being taken advantage of.

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@[He...]you must not put a poster in a store or anywhere else . Never . Have you heard about Oda ? Food delivery . Also privat helpcare ? When i was in my sickest i could not even write or express myself . Could you go to the mountain to get fresh air and stay for a while ?

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21 hours ago, [[H...] said:

My ship is going down fast now i need help.I have no support anywhere i dont know a single person i the world.I found god and that helps alot  I tried to get support from healthcare here in Norway with no luck even i payd taxes for 40 years. I have been totally alone because of traumas that has happend to me. I dont have trghe power to write all that now. I really need a person that can help me with some erends and to talk with .I also feel i dont get the help i deserve from norway healtcare I have the money to pay anyone that can help me.Im a male 56 .Before all this benzohell started 2 years ago i was doing fine just had a little normal anxiety and i like to work out and hiking and motorcycles.Im a kind person never done anything evil to anyone so why did i end up like this?? .

im so sorry. i enjoyed salmon and mackerals from your country and it always has been my dream to visit oslo. im really sorry that we r in this situation.


stay strong. 

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11 hours ago, [[E...] said:

You will get through this and you will be stronger than most people ever after. That's what I tell myself and truely believe 🥰

It's good that you got your doctor to work with you on this. Well done!

You have also made progress, even though it feels small. It's still progress. You're nervous system was seriously shuck up when you stopped cold turkey so it's understandable that you need to go slow. May I advice you, since your doctor is onboard with going slow, just keep going. It doesn't matter if it's slow.. Just keep on going. Slow and steady won the race 😃 One day you will be done. And you might feel better and be able to go faster sometime too.

So sorry to hear you are suffering and I hope someone can advocate for you if you need some medical service that you have right to. 

You can get some emotional support here at least. And keep on praying, faith is superpower 🥰

I wish you all the best and I know you will get through this if you just keep on keeping on. We are so much stronger than we think 💪🏼💪🏼

Sending hugs


Thank you Emilia !   I think and hope you are right that we get stronger after facing this nightmare.
The taper is slow i wish i could go faster, but had bad reactions doing to big cuts .I glad the docktor beleve me and is kind to let me go slow.
so glad this forum exist it is a lifeline, but also scary to read sometimes but there is good stories to.
Yes praying is superpower i did not belive in that before all this trauma and benzo wd started.But praing help me alot crying also helps before i almost never cried
now i cry often .I can standing making dinner then suddenly just cry hard =).Things has to get out.
I wish you are feeling fine and healing good   hugs



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11 hours ago, [[j...] said:

I’m so sorry you find yourself in such a difficult situation. 

I don’t know how things are or work in Norway but in Australia we have reputable organisations that you can contact that help place qualified registered people to assist with care. I’m concerned that placing a random advertisement might attract the wrong people as I see so many fraudsters scamming sick people out of money and not delivering on services promised. Please just ensure that you are not being taken advantage of.


Thanks for your advice and support Jelly Baby
I have not checked if we have that in Norway but will check it out. I tried to call a health care organisation that is provided by the goverment .they said that i was not qualified to get help.I guess you are right that it is risky to just hang up notes in store ,but i will just place  my email so i can speak with the interested person first if i go that route.
I wish you feel good hugs



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4 hours ago, [[m...] said:

@[He...]you must not put a poster in a store or anywhere else . Never . Have you heard about Oda ? Food delivery . Also privat helpcare ? When i was in my sickest i could not even write or express myself . Could you go to the mountain to get fresh air and stay for a while ?

Thanks margiflower you for advices     I know it is risky to hang up poster, but will only put in my email and have contact that way first.
Yes i have used Oda food delivery many times when feeling to bad to go out.I will check out private helpcare ,but one problem is i often feel so
cognitive disabled and worn down that i not have the power to contact places .It is stuff like that i need help with too.
Im sorry to hear you was in such a bad state i hope you feel better now and heal fast.
I would love to get out of the stress here in the city and go for a trip in the mountains doing some fishing in the lakes.My plan is to move to a house /small farm place out away from the stress in city ,but since the benzo wd hit me i just have to wait to get strong enough .And also i have developed a fear of drive to far from home .It is crazy what this small pill have done with  life ,but one day i hope i and all of you people can look back at this and think what a mess im glad it is over

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4 hours ago, [[b...] said:

im so sorry. i enjoyed salmon and mackerals from your country and it always has been my dream to visit oslo. im really sorry that we r in this situation.

stay strong. 

Thanks for support   Benzoisbad !
If you visit oslo you are  welcome to stay at my place. I also like salmon and before used to go to rivers to fish after them .I like mackerals to .
Hope you healing is going good buddy.

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14 minutes ago, [[H...] said:

Thanks for support   Benzoisbad !
If you visit oslo you are  welcome to stay at my place. I also like salmon and before used to go to rivers to fish after them .I like mackerals to .
Hope you healing is going good buddy.

I don't know when I will ever be able to be on an airplane again but Oslo will be my dream destination.

By quiting Benzo, we are all connected as one people.


Stay strong...

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Hello Helpless. I’m sorry to hear of your struggles. It’s even harder going through them physically alone. I know how that feels because I was alone for some time during my journey. I hired an assistant at that time to help me. I found her by putting the word out to family and friends. Also you can use Facebook by telling your friends that you need someone. By doing that, it will be people you know that know of someone. That makes it less risky. Also look into resources on the web that post people for hire. As the moderator said, here in the US we have several sites such as Care.com. Perhaps one of your neighbors would help? Or do you have a delivery service that will shop for you and deliver to your door as we have here in the US? Another thing you can do is when you are able to go out especially when you can drive your car, try to get double of the things you use the most. Believe me when is say I understand how you feel about the car driving. I’m struggling with that too but mine isn’t anxiety related.  
It’s a good thing for you to talk to God. You do have BB that knows what you’re going through and support you as you heal. In that you are not alone. Your healing will take some time. Waves and symptoms will happen. Stay as positive as you can. Distract yourself with things you enjoy. The mountain view and fresh air sounds lovely. It’s a good time for you to find something enjoyable to do with your hands. That helped me so much! Jigsaw puzzle, building sets, art, musical instrument, etc.  Watch comedy or TV game shows and play along. YouTube has many free movies. 

I hope you feel better soon! 

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20 hours ago, [[H...] said:

Thanks for advice Pamster! i think that is the way to go now.I think there is private care providers here in Norway. I have been thinking for a while to hang up a note on food stores that i need help with things and need someone to help  me as a job  , but it also feels like i have reached the bottom in life.I have "good" periods windows when i manage to go out from the flat and do some shopping and other stuff that has to be done.One strange thing is i have developed high anxiety driving my car so mostly i drive my motorcycle so i can get away if caught up in traffick or panicking.

If i only could work out like i used to to get that relaxed feeling ,Now after tapering on benzo i can not work out at all because i get inflamation in joints and get exremely sore fore many days even with light weights and the worst is that my anxiety and panic feelings get worse from workout.Its like the brain thinks that since i work out the body have to be in fight / flight mode and flushes out adrenaline and cortisol to make sure im ready if something bad is going to happen.

I can relate to you, my friend. I love the gym. It’s been in my life since the start of Covid, which is unfortunately when I began taking Lorazepam.

I’ve been clean since January of this year, but the withdrawal symptoms are fierce. Until last week, I had almost 8 weeks of where I felt like me again, but now I’m in another wave of fear, anxiety, and host of physical manifestations. It’s hard to tolerate.

Just the other day, I had a panic attack in the middle of doing my pull-ups at the gym and I had to leave. That was a first. 

Today, I have a hard time sitting up in bed. As someone who takes pride in the sense of accomplishment I get from physical activity, I find days like today very disheartening and unacceptable. But I won’t quit.

Neither should you. Stay strong. Keep your head up.

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46 minutes ago, [[T...] said:

I find days like today very disheartening and unacceptable. But I won’t quit.

As long as these are just “days” and you are still able to have normalcy in between you are definitely healing. 

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58 minutes ago, [[K...] said:

As long as these are just “days” and you are still able to have normalcy in between you are definitely healing. 

Thanks Krissirk888. I have no doubt what I’m experiencing is all part of the ride, it just gets tough when the symptoms manifest. Feels like what I imagine a literal poisoning would feel like.

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2 hours ago, [[T...] said:

Thanks Krissirk888. I have no doubt what I’m experiencing is all part of the ride, it just gets tough when the symptoms manifest. Feels like what I imagine a literal poisoning would feel like.

We have been poisoned. It’s brain trauma. So crazy.

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Just now, [[K...] said:

We have been poisoned. It’s brain trauma. So crazy.

Too true, my friend. And the brain tries to repair itself in all kinds of physically and mentally taxing ways. It’s exhausting.

Right now, I have a little break from the palpitations and the brain-zaps, but I’ve got a nasty headache to take its place.

It’s like my brain is telling me it’s tired from all this BS.

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Thanks to all replies that was made the last day .I just dont have the energi to reply now because got in hard wd.I think it is because i was stupid and painted somthing for my bike with spraycan and inhaled some of the fumes .I used a mask ,but forgot it for a moment.Today i just read that wd symtoms can rise from chemicals !! why do i always have find out things like that to late =)  wish you all a nice calm day.

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