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For those who have healed


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For those still on this forum and went through a lengthy withdrawal, how was the healing process in the final weeks/months?  Did you wake up one day and all your symptoms were gone?  Or was it a very slow day by day process till the end?

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1 hour ago, [[b...] said:

Most of them had emotional symtoms. Usually people with many physical symtoms don't heal 100%

Oh? You mean with pain and such?

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@[be...] hi benzoisbad I had all the physical symptoms it was soo severe that I honestly did not think I would make it I could barely leave the bed and I got to a point where I thought I would need feeding tube to eat and on top of that severe akathisia and everything else and I had to wear ear protection for months ! Even the slightest sound would send me into a huge wave but my physical symptoms are 100% gone it's the emotional symptoms that lingering a bit

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@[...] I'm completely healed from my physical symptoms i went from barely able to walk to now lifting heavy weights and running but I still have emotional symptoms that make it unbearable for me at times... but my physical symptoms gradually went away it was a slow process by month 3 it was very manageable and by month 5 it completely went away and now I just have lingering emotional symptoms

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Hello @[...],

I am one who had a pretty severe wave right before my complete recovery. I had had glimpses of recovery, in fact, formulating my Success Story, only to go through another wave. My last wave was very physical and actually made me worried enough to see the doctor. After many tests, all with negative results, we chalked it up to withdrawal. Once past this wave I experienced full healing. I’m fortunate that I have never had any withdrawal related issues since then.

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13 hours ago, [[p...] said:

Hello @[...],

I am one who had a pretty severe wave right before my complete recovery. I had had glimpses of recovery, in fact, formulating my Success Story, only to go through another wave. My last wave was very physical and actually made me worried enough to see the doctor. After many tests, all with negative results, we chalked it up to withdrawal. Once past this wave I experienced full healing. I’m fortunate that I have never had any withdrawal related issues since then.


I sent you a PM. You may not have seen it. Could you please reply when you can?

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Healing is slow and steady for me. I don't think anyone just waking up some day being 100% ok from being a withdrawal monster when going to bed the night before. I'm having no waves and windows so were I'm at know I can count on the healing is "done".


Edited by [PE...]
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19 hours ago, [[S...] said:

@[...] I'm completely healed from my physical symptoms i went from barely able to walk to now lifting heavy weights and running but I still have emotional symptoms that make it unbearable for me at times... but my physical symptoms gradually went away it was a slow process by month 3 it was very manageable and by month 5 it completely went away and now I just have lingering emotional symptoms

lucky. i'm 3 months and im suffering really badly.

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@[be...] I know what your going through I was at your place 8 months ago and it was truly horrific but it will go away I promise. Right now your at the thick of it that's why it's hard to believe but trust me your physical symptoms will 100% heal. I had it soo bad like I couldn't even get up to shower and even sleeping on my bed was torture because my pillow felt like hard rock even the slightest touch on my body would hurt and constant akathisia and electricity through out my body it was soo bad I honestly did not think I would make it ! I had every single physical symptoms listed but it all went away you will be alright my friend just give it some more time :hug:

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4 hours ago, [[D...] said:

@[pi...] where can i find your succes story?

I will find it for you, it’s buried deep on the Success Story forum.  Once I find it I’ll put a link here to it.

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3 minutes ago, [[g...] said:

Piano girl. How long was your last horrible wave?

It was weeks not months. I can’t remember exactly, I had a journal on my laptop but when it died I lost everything that was on it. 

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On 28/06/2024 at 05:25, [[p...] said:

Hello @[...],

I am one who had a pretty severe wave right before my complete recovery. I had had glimpses of recovery, in fact, formulating my Success Story, only to go through another wave. My last wave was very physical and actually made me worried enough to see the doctor. After many tests, all with negative results, we chalked it up to withdrawal. Once past this wave I experienced full healing. I’m fortunate that I have never had any withdrawal related issues since then.

Hi pianogirl,

Fabulous story!

If you don't mind me asking, how many years has it been since you quit, then time since full recovery? Mine is 8 years in August. Still no recovery to report -


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1 hour ago, [[C...] said:

Hi pianogirl,

Fabulous story!

If you don't mind me asking, how many years has it been since you quit, then time since full recovery? Mine is 8 years in August. Still no recovery to report -


Hi @[Ca...].

My jump off was June 11, 2011. I’m sorry you are still experiencing symptoms, for some people healing is slower. However, recovery could be right around the corner, I’ve seen it happen for some of our members.

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54 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Thank you @[pi...] so much for your  story🍀

I need lot of faith as i aproaching to begining pf 6 monts off🫣

You are still in the early days @[De...], keep believing in your healing.

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17 minutes ago, [[p...] said:

You are still in the early days @[De...], keep believing in your healing.

Thank you so much. Talking with recover people And BB forum is silverline for me! Thank you for being here❤️

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