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Benzo taper during Long Covid


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Hey, Im a bit stuck and before contacting special rehab I wanted to see with you guys. Since my long covid hit I started using valium, its been almost 2 years now, around 10mg daily. When I try to taper I get huuge anxiety, shaky, thoughts of death etc, become pale, and no aptite at all.

Should I continue with the valiums or should I continue tapering, I am not sure if its only withdrawal symptoms or if its a mix of the post covid anxiety combined with the withdrawal symptoms, When I take 5mg the body and mind relaxes and I can rest or think normally almost. The fatiuqe is still there, no matter what.




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Hi @[Ja...],

Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

I'm sorry for everything that you're dealing with right now.  It sounds like you may be experiencing  withdrawal symptoms.  How were you feeling before you started to taper?  Can you please provide some details for how you are tapering?  

Generally, we recommend cutting your dose by 5-10% every couple of weeks or so, depending on how you feel.  We have found that rehab centers do not know how to safely and effectively taper someone off of a benzo.  They usually do it way too fast with a mix of other drugs that end up causing other problems.  Most people who go that route usually end up reinstating when they get home and starting a slow, symptom lead taper.

I'm glad you found us and we'll do our best to help you figure out the best course of action.

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I was put on these meds too because of long covid that trigered panic attacs. As someone who expirienced wd And long covid I can only advice you to go slowly And listen to your body. I think that people who got long covid have very sensitive bodies, And they need more time to recover from everything. It looks like your simptoms are from wd but it would help us if you write What was your long covid simptoms And did they end during last two years or you still have problems with that?  Be strong! 🍀

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@[De...] My lc symptoms are diziness, extreme fatiuqe, PEM, very sensitive stomach, bizaree anxiety, could sense smoke smometimes from nowhere and many more, muscle loss etc, this happened after a infection march -23. The symptoms are still there but my insomnia is gone, since I am working with the fight/flight with medications such as valium and SNRI.

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1 hour ago, [[J...] said:

@[De...] My lc symptoms are diziness, extreme fatiuqe, PEM, very sensitive stomach, bizaree anxiety, could sense smoke smometimes from nowhere and many more, muscle loss etc, this happened after a infection march -23. The symptoms are still there but my insomnia is gone, since I am working with the fight/flight with medications such as valium and SNRI.

I am so sorry for all simptoms you are still dealing with because of lc. I had them all And much more like you Said. It take really lot of time for them to dissapear And doctor still don’t know how to help people with covid issues (same as withbenzo wd) You have to be aware that some simptoms you already have  may get worse during tapering And after jump since they are similar to wd. Like diziness fatique stomack issues.. I would make a list of all simptoms And from time to time see What is changing for better or worse. 
i know a lot of people that are in this situation And that were put on meds because doctor were thinking that anxiety is What is cousing lc simptoms. Its good that you find this place. People here are very suportive And they will help you. I cant give you info of tapering because i had Rapid taper by my doctor 🤪 if i knew What can happen i would go little bit of slower. Our body needs lot of time. Be careful And sensitive to you especially because you are in delicare situation like lc. I fully support your decidion to get off this meds! 🍀

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Hello again, @[Ja...],

We can help you figure out the best way to reduce your dose, if you are interested.  There are several methods that people use.  For example, many folks buy a jeweler's scale to weigh the pills and use a razor blade or nail file to shave off the appropriate amounts.

If you want some help figuring out the best method and the actual mechanics involved, then please feel free to start a thread in the "Benzodiazepine Taper Strategies (planning)" forum.  You can also do a search (at the top right of the page) for different types of tapers or click on the "Withdrawal Methods" tab at the top of this page (to the left of the search bar).

Please feel free to ask any questions. :) 

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@[Bu...] Smart, jewels scale. Seems like I cant get a stable taper because of the wd, if I lower one day, next day is horrible and I take the normal dose again. Think my LC makes it more complicated since LC on its own is making me feel bizzare anxious/thoughts.

@[De...] Yes exactly, feels like the symptoms is both from the LC and WD, but since LC started my anxiety wich then led me to start valium, feels like they flare up when tapering.. So it goes around in a circle. 

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