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Update on taper

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So over the last 3 weeks I have dropped from 2mg all the way to .5mg. The first drop was 2mg to 1mg. That was just brought on with a lot of anxiety; insomnia, restlessness, etc. But when then when I dropped from 1mg to .5mg, the symptoms have been more physical.

Body aches, cold, back pain, throat pain, etc. I’ve been to the doctor to get checked up on the other day. Everything was fine. But I’m just wondering if physical symptoms are a normal part of coming off benzos. My energy levels are totally in the dumpster as well too. Thanks, this forum has been a huge help and really good info on here.

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Hi @[Sw...]

If you're only 5 days into your drop from 1mg to .5mg have you considered updosing back to 1mg?  What were your symptoms like before you made the cut to .5mg?  

In any case, it appears you need to make a decision about whether to updose. Either way I urge you to hold at that dose for several weeks at least to give your system a chance to adjust.  Once you feel your symptoms are more manageable you would begin a careful taper making cuts of no more than 5-10% of your most recent dose every 2 weeks or longer depending on your symptoms.

It's completely normal to experience both mental and physical withdrawal symptoms.  You may find it helpful to look at The Ashton Manual Chapter III on Withdrawal Symptoms.

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