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Possible mild akathisia symptoms?


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Hi, 28 M

after a failed taper attempt earlier this year from .9-.5 klonopin I am now at around 1.1-1.25mg per day for a month and a half and I'm wanting to try my very best to taper again, at least come down in dosage a bit. I have just started, but already one of my main symptoms this time is a feeling of restlessness, like I can't stop fidgeting around a bit. I'm not pacing, but could this be a possible sign of some akathisia coming on? That scares me to death as I've seen peoples stories about it, but if so it also gives me some hope since so many got through it. Or maybe I'm scaring myself too much, just curious what you guys think? My other symptoms right off the bat are dizziness like I'm on a rocking boat somewhat and heightened anxiety and depression. 

I also admit I have not been the most responsible with the "medication" and once a week I usually have a day where I would updose about .5-.75 usually to just be more relaxed and take stress off from life. I'd take less to try to account for the half life in my brain the next day. I now understand this is probably stupid and led to some kindling, but I'm human and made a mistake, these drugs should never have been distributed. I will try my very very best this time to not do that 

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@[Pl...], akathisia like symptoms are common, but they aren't true akathisia.  Most of us have extreme restlessness and fidgeting so try not to believe these symptoms are any more than they are.  Have you taken antipsychotics in the past, I understand they can contribute to this condition so if you haven't, I'd trust these are just benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms and they'll leave as you recover.

Why did your previous taper fail, was it too fast?  I'm glad you're going to work at not taking any extra medication, your goal should be a slow and steady reduction of the Klonopin dictated by your symptoms.


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7 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

@[Pl...], akathisia like symptoms are common, but they aren't true akathisia.  Most of us have extreme restlessness and fidgeting so try not to believe these symptoms are any more than they are.  Have you taken antipsychotics in the past, I understand they can contribute to this condition so if you haven't, I'd trust these are just benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms and they'll leave as you recover.

Why did your previous taper fail, was it too fast?  I'm glad you're going to work at not taking any extra medication, your goal should be a slow and steady reduction of the Klonopin dictated by your symptoms.

Thanks for that reassurance that actually really helps when I'm freaking out about this!!!! I'll try not to panic or worry about it too much but holy moly am I being bombarded with symptoms today. 


My taper was going great actually and I held at .5, only took about 2-3 months as well. I had annoying symptoms but it was all very bearable looking back. I failed because I actually got into a massive massive argument which sent my body into shock and after several hours of trying to calm it down I had to take extra to get it to do so, which sent me back to like .75 or .8 

I had to learn the hard way that an overly traumatic or stressful event like that can't be tolerated during withdrawal, had I have known that I never would have engaged in it and I'm still devastated by it. I pushed myself back again because of taking too much extra again because I was still depressed about this, so yeah, 1.1-1.25 now. I didn't think that would set me back a bit further and I was wrong 

But after being defeated and making these mistakes I really do just want to get off of this garbage now, I can't mentally handle another setback. So anyone reading this please just don't do what I did. Do not do updoses like this unless it's an emergency 

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You aren't the first to face tapering challenges, rarely do members get it right the first time. Tapering is an experiment we perform on ourselves through trial and error because no one method works for all of us.  We have to find a way to live while tapering from these medications and its only through our perseverance and yes, our mistakes that we find our way through, constantly adjusting our taper and our expectations through the weeks and months as our condition changes.

This won't be the last time you have to make a decision based on your experience, so just be prepared to be flexible and willing to adapt your taper as your needs change. 

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I talked to another member yesterday about this.

For me akathisia is the pacing thing. But we might say a light version is when creepy crawly legs and RLS. It feels the same as akathisia just not full blown.

For me it disappeared 3 months out and had it rhe whole last year when trying to taper. 

I have some RLS/Restless Legs Syndrome. So many diagnosis and symptoms!

I was housebound during this time but managed to go out once or twice to walk.

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Usually with akathisia there are mental symptoms such as terror, OCD, desperation, agitation.  If you are not feeling these & the feeling isnt absolutely unbearable- it is probably just benzo restlessness :)

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Hi @[Pl...], welcome to Benzo Buddies!

@[So...] has quite a bit of familiarity and experience with akathisia, so her input here is definitely of great value and I hope you keep her words in mind when you start worrying again.

Even restlessness alone can be very unpleasant, especially if you don't have much past experience with symptoms like it. It is very common while tapering and in withdrawal.

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New to the group and have different issues, but I have had RLS for about 8 years now. Mine is the need to constantly keep stretching and moving my legs to try to find some relief. It's mostly under control with meds. Not sure if we're allowed to mention medications here, so I won't. I don't want to jeopardize being able to participate in this group, as I need it badly dealing with protracted withdrawal syndrome. And actually, my akathasia was the onset of what morphed into full blown protracted withdrawal! I just thought I'd weigh in after having a number of years of RLS experience. Let me know if it's ok to mention the two types of meds I was prescribed to treat RLS...thank God their not addictive and definitely helped.

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17 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

New to the group and have different issues, but I have had RLS for about 8 years now. Mine is the need to constantly keep stretching and moving my legs to try to find some relief. It's mostly under control with meds. Not sure if we're allowed to mention medications here, so I won't. I don't want to jeopardize being able to participate in this group, as I need it badly dealing with protracted withdrawal syndrome. And actually, my akathasia was the onset of what morphed into full blown protracted withdrawal! I just thought I'd weigh in after having a number of years of RLS experience. Let me know if it's ok to mention the two types of meds I was prescribed to treat RLS...thank God their not addictive and definitely helped.

you can mention meds on here it's no problem.

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Ok, thanks. Also, I just read the guidelines, which seems to be common sense. I was on two different meds for RLS - the first one was Ropinerole. That didn't really help calm my legs down. Then I was put on Gabapentin and I've been on it ever since. It definitely works for my RLS. On the 2nd diagnosis mentioned being akathasia, a doctor tried to change the dosage of the Gabapentin to try to help my Akathasia, but it didn't help. I've been on a number of  anti-histamines as well as beta-blockers, none of which helped me for akathasia. Maybe they might help someone else with akathasia, but they didn't help me. Having had both RLS and akathasia, although they may seem similar, from my perspective, they are definitely two different neurological issues. (I'm not diagnosing anyone here :-) )


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to clarify using gabapentin for treatment for akathasia
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1 hour ago, [[b...] said:

New to the group and have different issues, but I have had RLS for about 8 years now. Mine is the need to constantly keep stretching and moving my legs to try to find some relief. It's mostly under control with meds. Not sure if we're allowed to mention medications here, so I won't. I don't want to jeopardize being able to participate in this group, as I need it badly dealing with protracted withdrawal syndrome. And actually, my akathasia was the onset of what morphed into full blown protracted withdrawal! I just thought I'd weigh in after having a number of years of RLS experience. Let me know if it's ok to mention the two types of meds I was prescribed to treat RLS...thank God their not addictive and definitely helped.

Hi! I also have RLS.. and quentapine makes it worse. 

No problem with talking medications here :))

I'm using a medication for it sometimes. I snitch it from mom she also have this.

I also had full blown akathisia for a few months. It was like the big bad brother of RLS. It disappeared 5 months out. 

We use pramipexol and it works. It takes some time to work so taking it a couple of hours before bed is preferable. 


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2 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

Hi! I also have RLS.. and quentapine makes it worse. 

No problem with talking medications here :))

I'm using a medication for it sometimes. I snitch it from mom she also have this.

I also had full blown akathisia for a few months. It was like the big bad brother of RLS. It disappeared 3 months out. 

We use pramipexol and it works. It takes some time to work so taking it a couple of hours before bed is preferable. 


I'm glad to hear you found something that works for you! I'm guessing you weren't given quentapine for RLS? I was prescribed it for being bi-polar, but not for RLS.


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I have the restlessness and also the relentless terror and OCD. But I can usually sit still in front of the computer. I have been living with this since Feb 2022 when I started my taper.

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52 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

I'm glad to hear you found something that works for you! I'm guessing you weren't given quentapine for RLS? I was prescribed it for being bi-polar, but not for RLS.

After being poly drugged I'm also bipolar. But symptoms disappeared after i quit all medicines. So it was medicines. I had a bad insomnia doctors said i was manic. 

Lol no but quentapine gives me RLS.

If people aint sick give them stuff to make them sick. That's modern medicine. 

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14 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

After being poly drugged I'm also bipolar. But symptoms disappeared after i quit all medicines. So it was medicines. I had a bad insomnia doctors said i was manic. 

Lol no but quentapine gives me RLS.

If people aint sick give them stuff to make them sick. That's modern medicine. 

God damn you had it for a year congrats for surviving that torture, was it a constant every day thing the akathisia or would it come back and forth? 

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52 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

God damn you had it for a year congrats for surviving that torture, was it a constant every day thing the akathisia or would it come back and forth? 

It was 24/7. I paced for 16 hours a day until i cried from pain. Stumbled to bed and slept for a couple of hours then up marching again. I only live because I'm to scared to die i think. I'm happy i didn't do anything now. 

I didn't know it was a condition and wasn't online for a long while. It's crazy how fucked up i was.

Hard to say exactly how long this went on. A few months mabey. 

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5 hours ago, [[P...] said:

After being poly drugged I'm also bipolar. But symptoms disappeared after i quit all medicines. So it was medicines. I had a bad insomnia doctors said i was manic. 

Lol no but quentapine gives me RLS.

If people aint sick give them stuff to make them sick. That's modern medicine. 

Oh, now I understand. I agree that I too thought quetiapine increased my RLS. And now I don't take anything for my anxiety, depression, bipolar or adhd. I agree with you that all the meds they prescribe aren't good. I just fight my anxiety and depression every day.

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2 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

Oh, now I understand. I agree that I too thought quetiapine increased my RLS. And now I don't take anything for my anxiety, depression, bipolar or adhd. I agree with you that all the meds they prescribe aren't good. I just fight my anxiety and depression every day.

I'm kind of lucky that way i really don't  know how it feels to be really depressed. I can have some baby version of anxiety some mornings but also that is going away now..

I take quetiapine for sleep but it sucks compared to THC!! If it wasn't that expensive i would use it every night.


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