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Setbacks / need explanation please

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Can someone explain me more, if can, about setbacks? I realise we are all diferent And What works for me doesnt have to work for someone else. But I see so much post about - alcohol setbecks, its written that alcohol affect same receptors like benzos. So is there something else like alcohol that afect same receptors I should be aware of? 

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Other meds like gabbapentin etc you can easily look it up online. To much excercise can rev symptoms up for some. Its best to ease yourself into things again. Some people are very sensetive to certain foods as well. There was a thread yesterday about tomatoes that you might want to look at. It talks about other things that can cause symptoms to play up as well. If I were you I'd be most concerned about alcohol and medications/supplements that affect GABBA.

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Ok I will look up for meds And suplements that afect GABA. I saw that some people are sensitive to some food but luckily I can eat everything. I wouldnt play with alcohol And other meds. Have to look uo for meds to be sure. Its so risky👀

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Its very very risky. Its quite a shock to people when they are 5years.. 8years out and they end up loosing their job. Relationships and everything due a single dose of an antibiotic. All too common. Happened to me at 5.2years from taking pepcid. Back into acute for 10months , now 17months of hellish symptoms. Im nearly 7yrs off.

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10 hours ago, [[D...] said:

Ok I will look up for meds And suplements that afect GABA. I saw that some people are sensitive to some food but luckily I can eat everything. I wouldnt play with alcohol And other meds. Have to look uo for meds to be sure. Its so risky👀

I always viewed setbacks as the use of anything that affects the Gaba receptors to the point where it causes enough changes in the receptors (downregulation) that another period of healing is required and a person experiences symptoms similar to their own benzo withdrawal. They are often grouped (and sometimes wrongully interchanged) with waves and drug-induced sensitivity. Here are 3 potential recovery issues (and my own description) that may affect people after they stop using benzos. Setbacks during tapering I will discuss at some other point.

Post-Benzo Setback: I don't count something as a setback until the need for an extended period of recovery from changes to the gaba receptors arises during recovery from withdrawal or while mostly recovered. For example, if you have been recovered for 3 years and at a wedding you had a glass of wine but suffered no ill effects, you did not set yourself back even though alcohol use is capable of causing setbacks. If you drink regularly, or occasionally but over a long period of time, you may find yourself in an alcohol-induced setback one morning to where you now need many months (possibly more) to go back to normal again due to the gaba receptors repeated exposure to alcohol causing prolonged downregulation again.

Wave (Protracted): Some time after feeling fully recovered if you find yourself feeling withdrawal symptoms again, but you have not taken any benzos, alcohol, supplements, or drugs that act on Gaba-receptors, then this could be classified as a wave and indicate that you were probably not actually fully healed yet. This of course assumes other possibilities for these sxs have been ruled out and a protracted recovery wave is the only viable answer. You did not set yourself back by the act of simply getting a wave.

Sensitivity: This is a category that I included as a possible explanation for things that are not waves or setbacks. Sensitivity may come from either permanent or long-lasting changes made to the nervous system from benzo use. An example would be trying a glass of wine several different times over the years and each time it affects you negatively in comparison to how alcohol use did prior to benzo use/withdrawal. It often only causes symptoms for a short period of time. Some people may find certain foods they used to tolerate just fine before benzo withdrawal now cause discomfort after eating. Many people are more greatly sensitive to stress for a long time after recovering from benzo use. Experiencing short-term negative effects due to permanent/long-lasting changes is also not a setback.

These are the way I personally would describe these terms as they would relate to benzo-withdrawal. These descriptions are derived from my own general knowledge gained through observations and casual research. They are based on a simplistic understanding of the physiological side of benzo withdrawal as it relates to the GABA/Glutamate system and Central Nervous System as a whole. These are not official definitions endorced or agreed upon by this site or any major institutions.

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Thank you for your insights @[Cr...], I was wondering if you would consider stress to be an important trigger for those who acquire sensitivity? Or is it more related to the use of meds or supplements? How would you go about to avoid stress?

I find it very hard to get a clear idea of how this all works, as most info from people on these forums seems incomplete, so we have no idea who to compare with. For example, one person can say they didn't do anything and got a setback but then many many posts later you find out they were on another med they never thought worth to mention. Or perhaps they have a very unhealthy diet compared to others, but to them it seems normal enough. 

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Thank you Crono for your answer! I really like to read your answers trough the site. I was hoping you will say something because  You always explain everything really good!!! 
when i read ashton manial profesor ashton wrote that glass of wine here And there is ok. So i was surprised to see so much setbacks from alcohol. 
But with alcohol you have clear situation. You don’t have to drink it right?  Its little bit diferent situation with other meds, for example you have some infection And have to take antibiotics. Its tricky And very risky. But I guess you have to try it And hope for the best! 
and What bmom Said is true. Sometimes people write they were healed and have seatbaks And after a lot of other post you see that they say they actually felt like they were 90 percent healed or they mention they did try some other meds or food or it wasnt just one glass of wine it was more. You never know others people full history And other health problems they have that may be the reason for pop up simptoms. 

and i was thinking about one more thing. Because many of our simptoms looks like anxiety. So after we are healed And we find ourself in stress situation where we start to experience some of the simptoms like in wd, Maybe they are just regular anxiety. It doesnt have to mean that you really have setback. Maybe is ts just natural way our body react to stress. We should be aware of this too I think. 

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