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My daughter's excruciating Symptoms. Anyone experience these? Are these typical?

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I can't advise you on the correct treatment for your daughter, as it is all a personalized decision, but my best advice is... if you have been at all argumentative with her or been trying to force involuntary commitments (not saying you have, just saying what I see a lot from families before they become educated on this) maybe try a softer approach. 


Let her know that you found a website that would help her slowly taper if she wishes, open your home up to her, tell her all she has to worry about is surviving and getting better, and you will take care of the rest.  I can tell you, that will take a tremendous burden off her shoulders, and she would probably feel safe at home again.  If it does turn out she needs committed for any reason, as her advocate, please make sure the med choices are calculated decisions and that they are starting one med at a time, slowly.  Psych wards and rehabs tend to dump a bunch of pills on us all at once, and in psych med withdrawal we can have very compromised nervous system, so this could end up being detrimental towards her health, possibly, and you won't be able to tell where the issue is coming from (this happened to me). 

Anyways, if you take nothing else from this message, just make sure that she knows that she is loved and supported, and has a safe space.  As a caregiver, this experience will be extremely taxing on you as well if she does try to go home, and she will likely be extremely needy as if she were a baby again.  Please do not take this as her seeking attention or drug seeking, this is the hardest thing she will ever go through, and if she has had akathisia in the past I'm sure you already know what I mean.  


Anyways, I will leave you with a video aimed at caretakers.  I wish you the best and I hope your daughter can come home to you soon and get on the road to recovery. Good luck and I'm rooting for you both!!  Your daughter will heal ❤️ 




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