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Can benzo withdrawal be delayed?

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I have only joined this site just over a day ago to determine if I am struggling with the results of too big a drop in my AD med 6 weeks ago or was it something to do with stopping a short course of Xanax .5 per day approx 3 months ago.

I went back to the doctor yesterday and she insisted I take .25 Xanax morning and night because she could see I was losing my mind - crying during the visit!

its been 17 hrs and I have taken .25 on two occasions and this is the best I’ve felt in weeks.

I’ve been plagued by tingling/almost burning in limbs etc. I’ve still got the tingling somewhat, but I actually have my hunger back, more zest, and less doom and gloom 

early days, but this may have been Xanax withdrawal this entire time - and only after 20 or so .5mg tablets.


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Hi @[Je...]

I was reading through your other thread where you mentioned dropping from 100 to 50 mg Zoloft and back again. Your symptoms could be Xanax withdrawal but I think on the balance of probability they're more likely to be the result of the Zoloft changes. The relief you're feeling now may be because the Xanax is temporarily masking those symptoms. Certainly it would reduce any anxiety related issues such as your loss of appetite and the feelings of doom and gloom.

I started taking Clonazepam to deal with symptoms arising from my AD and I'm now dependent and deeply regret it. I know how hard it is when you are suffering and how tempting the prospect of immediate relief is, but if at all possible, I would try not to go back on a regular dose of Xanax. This is just my personal opinion, and I could of course be wrong. I just know that benzos can feel really good in the short term before turning on you in the long run.

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Since Xanax has a short half-life I find it unusual that if you were physically dependent you didn't experience any acute withdrawals when you stopped.

Withdrawal symptoms showing up 3 months later isn't really a delay as it is more akin to a cycling of the recovery process when your brain is trying to undo the changes it made to accommodate the repeated presense of the benzos. Those changes include Gaba receptor downregulation. If enough changes were made to make you physically dependent, there should have been some sort of rough acute withdrawal right after you stopped.

I can't say for sure as you could have had a very mild acute withdrawal from Xanax but wasn't bothered enough to notice? If it is benzo WD it is not unusual to get hit hard several months later (a wave).

I still suspect it has to do with your Zoloft changes. While Xanax is able to help you feel normal, that doesn't prove that Xanax withdrawal is the culprit. Making someone feel good and calm is what Xanax is supposed to do. Benzos suppress anxiety, even anxiety caused by withdrawal from other drugs.

What is your plan going forward? You plan on staying on Xanax for awhile and tapering? If that wasn't benzo withdrawal, you may risk experiencing it for the first time with repeated use. If it was non-acute Xanax withdrawal from 20 doses that is a sign that your body is easily made dependent by it, thus posing more risk of a harsher withdrawal should you stay on it.

I wish i knew a definitive answer to the cause of your symptoms. Did you visit SurvivingAntidepressants.org to get their opinion on what you did with your Zoloft dose to see if they think its likely the main problem?

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Thanks guys - yes visited that website multiple times. I generally think it’s the Zoloft issue also

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