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I had my first panic attack

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Beginner you might think. Well counting my entire life it was the second. First since wd arrived 5 years ago.

I experienced cold turkey convulsions and sheer horror, almost certainly encephalitis and beginning of organs failure. 

But panic attack was the first one. I used to work for intervening in worse situations that causes panic so I’m pretty confident I know it and how to tame it. Even for others. This was a first. 

It got triggered in the moment by searching in successful stories situations similar to mine. But, as always there was so much that I am dealing with behind. I lack the strength to write it tonight. 

I don’t expect too much sympathy, but it was the first and I have no one to talk about it.

Have a good day or night all and thanks for reading 

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@[Id...], it's a good thing you're sharing your concern here. It's exactly the very place for it! 

I'm endlessly sorry for you and sure you're not alone and will never be as long as you can come here on BB! All my sympathy is with you🌺

How long did your first and, hope, last, panic attack take? How did you manage to pull yourself together and stay strong? It must have felt really awful but i'm glad you found strength to post here. 

My sincere compassion and hugs to you💖


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Hello @[Id...],

As @[...] mentioned, this is the place to write about your withdrawal experiences and symptoms. You are among people who truly understand this process.  I didn't have panic until I was put on benzos. Tolerance and withdrawal certainly did a good job of creating it.

For a long time, before I found BB, I caved into the panic. Once I learned more about these types of drugs and their effect on the human body, I felt more empowered. I realized I could just let the panic be there, and float above it. Of course, I did a lot of self-talk.  I congratulated myself for going out of my comfort zone or even just trying to. 

It feels sometimes that these symptoms are inexplicable. We have to remember that benzos make big changes to the central nervous system.  With time, the system will find balance again.  

Just remember, we're here for you. You are not alone.

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@[Id...], i'm very glad we were able to make you feel better and not alone.. Thank you for your kind words too. Every good word sounds precious to me and literally helps.

Such vivid metaphorical description! I felt as if underwater myself and, once upon a time, it'd been exactly the same when i was actually drowning in the ocean.

It's just great you know how to manage panics and looks as if you can really do it. You're right it can be lots of help for others here.

Just remember you're never alone! We're all here somewhere around and ready to support you when it feels hard. Just switch on your device) 


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