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Getting a halt on the panic.

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Hi lovely people,

I'm struggling in a wave, and have forgotten what to do. I was doing so well 15 months out but I'm now withdrawing from Clomiprimine and it's just as bad. I do meditations but when I finish the whole worry thing starts up again and the ' I'm not going to get off the meds and therefore won't heal ' comes back. Any help anyone? I do all the usual breathing and meditation things. Also any recommendations for books that won't trigger me!!

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Maybe you need to give yourself a break and allow your brain to recover from benzo withdrawal before tapering another drug? This process is so traumatic if it were me, I would just enjoy my life first before considering tapering anything else. 

I understand the urge to get off all drugs but there are so many people who recover fully while still being on other meds. Here is a Success Story of someone who started AD’s after jumping to help them recover from withdrawal:


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Really grateful to you @jellybaby for your reply. Thankfully I am calmer today. You are right I intend to slow right down.

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