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Taper speed

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last time I was here I was on 8mg and have been tapering at times when I feel ok. My worst withdrawal tends to come on day 3 after the drop and stays for a few days at its peak then tends to get better. 

I have stayed off benzo buddies generally as I found the more I was reading into things the more I seemed to feel things. I have looked back and realised that the last time I posted was the 26th of May. 

I am now on 3mg and my emotions and feelings are running riot - 

one day I can’t get out of bed, the next I can push myself to get out or even go to the gym. 


one day I’m crying the next day I’m happy. Sometimes this can switch on the same day. I’m getting angry also. Floods of intense emotions which most likely were suppressed from benzos. I wasn’t an angry person before.  

I have shakes all the time, tinnitus, insomnia (3 hours per night) this is since Sunday when I went from 4mg to 3mg, when I have no drive I have absolutely none, when I can push myself I still feel awful but I manage, my brain almost Feels like it’s sideways and at times I’m struggling with what feeling is real and which is the drug, it’s like I’m confused about a feeling or emotion if that makes sense. A bit like is this the matrix or real life, cravings for the life I had whilst on nitrazepam/Diazepam although not actually craving the drug itself. 

am I dropping way too fast? As I think about it I have done a 25% drop in one taper then the next one would be a 50% drop so sounds silly. But during the taper are we just delaying a life of recovery by doing it slowly or is it known that a slow taper helps recovery?

I feel like I’m racing to get this drug out of me, is that normal on a taper? 

thank you 


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5 hours ago, [[B...] said:

In my opinion it's clear that you are tapering way too fast.  Your symptoms are your body's way of telling you to slow down and make smaller cuts.  We generally advise making cuts of no more than 5-10% every 2 weeks or longer.

There is a strong consensus in the benzo withdrawal community that a slow, sensible taper is the best way to keep intense withdrawal symptoms, such as the ones you're experiencing, to a minimum.  It's important to bear in mind that after the last benzo is taken at the end of a taper there is more healing our systems must do.  Rushing through a taper will in many cases lead to severe withdrawal symptoms after the last dose is taken. 

It's totally understandable to want to get the drug out of you - many of us have felt this way.  But, again, it's a mistake to think that you will be done with withdrawal symptoms once the drug is out of your system. Tapering slowly and carefully puts less stress on the central nervous system.  After you finish your taper the CNS works hard to rebuild and readjust after the changes resulting from benzos.  It's a kindness to your CNS to taper slowly and it will very likely mean less suffering for you.



I tend to do the drop once I start to feel a bit better. It becomes very intense then subsides and that’s when i drop.


im actually quite sick from the drop from 4mg to 3mg and i think it may be wise to updose and do it properly. Is an updose still possible or do i ride it out at 3? (That sounds like an awful challenge to do) the depersonalised feelings are quite scary. They were less intense at 4mg. 

Would there be any benefit available on an updose?



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It may be worthwhile to try to updose.  There's a chance it will help and from what we see here it usually helps when individuals have tapered too rapidly.  But it isn't guaranteed you will stabilize at the higher dose.  If you decide to updose please be prepared that it may not give you instant relief -  it may take a few days to a couple of weeks to stabilize.   


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I don't know. I microtapered from 40 mgs of valium to 12 mgs in two years. My symptoms have been horrible throughout. I updosed to 14 and held for three months to stabilize. I thought I would feel better but I did not. I restarted the taper four days ago and I am in agony. It's one mg a month as a microtaper. My body itches and burns. I will drop the taper rate down as I hopefully go down.

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