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I need some encouragement

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Hello everyone, 


I am currently doing a taper but seem to be very sensitive to withdrawals. My girlfriend left me, I lost my job and I’m constantly crying in pain and barely sleep even though I’m tapering 10-15% every month. Please someone give me some encouragements to keep going and that one day I will heal. I’m losing hope. I loved life before and was put on this medication during a stressful time and was never told by my PCP that it would be hell on earth to get off. Please someone tell me something. 

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Hey @[Mh...],

I promise you, it does get better.  I am so sorry for everything that you're dealing with. I know it doesn't seem like it, but healing is happening and will continue to happen. 

On a practical note, I know you want to get off and be done with this, but I'm wondering if maybe the rate of your taper is still too fast for you.  Have you tried cutting down to 5% every 2-3 weeks?  I know for some people larger cuts further apart can be harder than smaller ones a bit closer together.

That said, I know this is a really difficult, often painful process and sometimes it seems like we are never going to get there, but so many people have made it through.  If you read the Success Stories you'll find many, many people who didn't think they were going to heal until they did.  Please hang in there and know that we're here for you. ❤

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9 hours ago, [[M...] said:

Hello everyone, 

I am currently doing a taper but seem to be very sensitive to withdrawals. My girlfriend left me, I lost my job and I’m constantly crying in pain and barely sleep even though I’m tapering 10-15% every month. Please someone give me some encouragements to keep going and that one day I will heal. I’m losing hope. I loved life before and was put on this medication during a stressful time and was never told by my PCP that it would be hell on earth to get off. Please someone tell me something. 

I too went on this medication and was never told of the hell I would endure getting off of it. I dont think my Dr even knows himself from what I see. 

As I get down in dose it does seem to get better. I would assume once I am off completely I will eventually feel amazing. That is what keeps me going. To obtain the life I once had only better. I have learned a life lesson during my suffering and have a new outlook on life now. 

You will too.

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