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ADHD ... withdrawal symptom?

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I jumped off Ativan in March and have had typical symptoms.... muscle pain & stiffness, anxiety/dread, etc.. but I've also noticed a racing mind and the inability to focus snd complete tasks.  I saw some info about adult ADHD and the list of symptoms were pretty much identical to what I'm experiencing.

is this part of withdrawal/healing or is it something else? I have not historically had this issue before or during tapering.  
Just wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

it is absolutely affecting my functioning .

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I was just viewing your history and it looks like the end of your taper was pretty rough, given that, I would expect your recovery, at least this part of it to be the same.  I'm sorry you're still suffering but I wouldn't look for other maladies to explain your current symptoms just yet, I don't think the Ativan is done messing with you. 

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Thanks @[Pa...]

I needed a little encouragement.  I know most of us don't have a fast recovery.  I was a little surprised at the worsening of symptoms and the addition of a few more.

I'm starting to think, just as you said, that "something else " is going on.  I guess in a sense that's a normal reaction since this benzo journey is so crazy and unsupported by most medical professionals.

Thank goodness for this site and the few others that are supportive. 
In retrospect I probably should have posted on Benzodiazepine Withdrawal. 😊

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The irony of you questioning if there is "something else going on" is that this questioning is a symptom.  Once you recover, you won't question, your mind won't go there, your body and mind will once again make sense.  The fear will leave and you'll be able to assess whatever life has in store for you with a clear and calm mind.

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