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Moved part of my night dose to afternoon - uncomfortable

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In an effort to split my ativan doses for taper 

I moved from 0.5mg noon, 2.5mg night to

1mg noon, 2mg night.

The first day went ok, I slept well.

But today, it's 3 hours after my night dose now, I have a burning scalp, painful eyes, headache and a dizzy feeling.

Usually, I'm calm, at peace, no sxs and sleep after my night dose.

Is this because of lower dose at night? 


Will it settle?


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Typically, I'm symptom free until 3 to 4pm other than lightheadedness which is constant all my waking hours.

After 3pm(after the noon dose), I'm experiencing intense lightheadedness, swaying sensations and this slowly progresses to chest pain and sometimes a floppy body sensation that is scary. Moving from 0.5 to 1mg has not yet changed anything. When I take my night dose, all calms down. But not tonight. It's sxs now. 

I'm waking up with morning anxiety and reduced sleep. 

I hear everywhere that ativan needs 3 doses.

That's why I'm working on the splitting. 

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Ativan only needs 3 doses if you find the interdose symptoms intolerable.

If moving .5 from your night dose to your noon dose helps with afternoon symptoms but causes you to now get insomnia due to a lower night dose then you will have to decide what you are willing to put up with in the short term. I say short term because over several weeks your body may get used to the rearranged dosing.

If you are capable of just moving .25 mg then that may work better than .5. That would then be .75 mg at noon and 2.25 at night. Or if you are really trying to get to 3x a day quickly you could move that .25 into a morning dose. So it would be .25 morning, .5 noon, 2.25 night.

My guess is that you are trying to get 3 even doses of 1 mg each before tapering?

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