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Mental symptoms in last bit of taper

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I am finding my mental symptoms are more present in my taper now than before. My physical symptoms seem to have got better. The only physical symptom I have is IBS symptoms. My stomach is in turmoil. I am noticing more consistent anxiety than before. Perhaps it is in line with my stomach issues as the gut and brain are connected. I am also pretty tired fatigued more than before. 

I am almost 2 weeks into a cut and I noticed this week the mental symptoms are worse. I have heard the ending part of the taper can be the most challenging. 

Anyone else experience this?

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Since I don't have any experience tapering, i can't give you a direct comparison but we do share some similarities since the healing process starts for people that taper after the first cut.

In my experience, physical symptoms were more of an issue early on in my recovery. The mental symptoms seemed to gain ground as the physical retreated. Of course the 3 major month-long waves I got tended to be a strong combination of both.

Right towards the end it was mostly just the mental stuff. In fact, it caught me so offguard that I got on an AD out of desperstion not to lose my job, or fail classes that I paid 10k for.

When your mental health gets affected from withdrawal you really need to do your best to take it easy and avoid as much stress as possible. Hopefully this will pass soon and just be a short-term flare-up from you last cut.

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36 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Since I don't have any experience tapering, i can't give you a direct comparison but we do share some similarities since the healing process starts for people that taper after the first cut.

In my experience, physical symptoms were more of an issue early on in my recovery. The mental symptoms seemed to gain ground as the physical retreated. Of course the 3 major month-long waves I got tended to be a strong combination of both.

Right towards the end it was mostly just the mental stuff. In fact, it caught me so offguard that I got on an AD out of desperstion not to lose my job, or fail classes that I paid 10k for.

When your mental health gets affected from withdrawal you really need to do your best to take it easy and avoid as much stress as possible. Hopefully this will pass soon and just be a short-term flare-up from you last cut.

I would rather deal with the physical symptoms I think. It is hard to escape the mental ones. I went for a walk and it helped somewhat but this daily tired feeling is hard to deal with. I also have light headedness when I stand up but I've had that for awhile. I know my health is good I had a bunch of tests done in March.  I am not in panic mode as I assume this is all withdrawal symptoms. Just impacts my daily life and I sometimes feel there is no ending to this. 

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1 hour ago, [[E...] said:

I am finding my mental symptoms are more present in my taper now than before. My physical symptoms seem to have got better. The only physical symptom I have is IBS symptoms. My stomach is in turmoil. I am noticing more consistent anxiety than before. Perhaps it is in line with my stomach issues as the gut and brain are connected. I am also pretty tired fatigued more than before. 

I am almost 2 weeks into a cut and I noticed this week the mental symptoms are worse. I have heard the ending part of the taper can be the most challenging. 

Anyone else experience this?

I'm 10+ days out and yes: The last steps are the tough ones for sure. It's a mindgame in my opinion. If you convince yourself you're going to make it then you will!

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