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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Support during this process

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I think we are all in the same boat when it comes to having support outside of this site. 

I find myself being my own cheerleader during this. Everyone around me does not understand how this feels to go through. I have learned to accept this. It was very hard in the beginning before I found this site. All my personal relationships have been impacted by this. I believe i can mend it all when i am better. 

I have had no one contact me from my work. It seems they do not care if i am there or not. But i felt this when i was working there it seems to be a very individualized environment. I did have one person who was a contractor there call me every once in awhile but has ceased calling me for a couple months now. It feels like I am being forgotten. 

I dont like to put any extra stress on my family as they are suffering having me in this state. I keep how I feel to myself. I tried to confide in them but all i did was make stress worse. 

My Dr makes things worse when I try to confide in him. He just insults me and ups my meds. He doesn't return my calls. 

I was using talk therapy in the beginning and the councillor would call me to see how I was doing. That has stopped a few months ago. Talk therapy doesn't help me anyways and made me feel more anxious.

It is a lonely journey to be getting off this med but I have learned to be my own support. This site helps as well. I find daily inner talk with myself and God helps me more than anything else. My faith keeps me strong. Some days are tough. 

I know we are all experiencing this. No one knows what we are going through but ourselves. 

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I absolutely agree no one can understand us unless they've been through the same experience. I do have friends from the "outside world" and now, i'm seeing more and more of them but i don't expect anyone to understand and actually support me. It's their luck they can't. The same goes to the family.

My true support are my fellow buddies and benzo friends from my country. A couple of the friends have become very dear to me and we're in touch 24/7. I'm endlessly grateful for all the "benzo people" i met through this experience. That is something good i've been given thanks to benzo/ its withdrawal.

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it really is a very lonely experience.  i found that by having noone who can really understand what im dealing with, has made me stronger and for the first time in my life, i only depend on myself.  i dont get bothered anymore that other people dont get it.  wishing you health & healing. ~~jill

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Yes its very lonely but that is What makes us stronger to cope with life after meds ❤️

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I have no support i dont know anybody in the hole wide world  yes its true ! not a single person and my family is dead.The last ones i knew i lost in a traumatic episode.I can not get help i only have my doctor .I suffer alot from WD but i will not let the devil that is in these pills take me down.I started taking them after the trauma 2 years ago.

One thing that helps me not end it all is that i found jesus and after that i feel strong most of the time.

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2 minutes ago, [[H...] said:

I have no support i dont know anybody in the hole wide world  yes its true ! not a single person and my family is dead.The last ones i knew i lost in a traumatic episode.I can not get help i only have my doctor .I suffer alot from WD but i will not let the devil that is in these pills take me down.I started taking them after the trauma 2 years ago.

One thing that helps me not end it all is that i found jesus and after that i feel strong most of the time.

Yes my faith has helped me  throug this more than anyone has. 

We have some support here with each other. It's the only support system I have. 

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