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Please help. What can i do when theres nothing i can do?

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3 months ago i went to an osteopath for just neck muscles tension and got out of there much worse, every symptom agravated since then including the mental ones.

I cant move my head, neck and trapezius feels very inflamed, swallen, hot, something very wrong going on with tendons and all the tissues, its horrible. Its spreading to all the back, feels bruised inside and all getting worse as time passes.

Cant take meds, supplements or put topical creams, it makes it worse with aditional weird issues. Same for heat, ice, touch.

My CNS became this sensitive after the mistake of taking rescue doses post tapering and being off, it triggered severe kindling with symptoms i never had before and ruined all the life i had. 

I'm very scared of what inflamation and whatever is going on can do to all the body if left untreated since i cant treat it and it just will not go away on its own. If this happens to need surgery i'm screwed. Impossible not to panic from this specially when my mind cant control anything since this happened.

There are more issues caused by this such as varicose veins in legs or deformed bones in spine that i can also not treat, rapid aging eating it all. Still cant believe in all this irreversible damage, was perfectly healthy before this, had a job and a functional. Wish i knew if reinstating would help. How can one cope with no answers and no solutions, doomed.




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It took me many years of visits to osteopaths and chiropractors to learn they cannot fix muscle tension which is produced by the CNS. I often found myself tensing up against anything the osteopath was doing so naturally that made things even worse. 

I wouldn't worry about inflammation, my opinion is if there is any then it is there to protect not to harm. Also wouldn't worry about spinal deformity or anything like that as "normal" people are full of the same deformities and have no pain or tension. It is all part of wear and tear which starts in our 20's would you believe! If you're in any doubt then read Dr John Sarno's books which go into detail about this.  And even varicose veins are normal to a degree.

We have a very unhappy and grisly CNS which is trying to recover from a drug we took for pain/anxiety/tension whatever, and now we've stopped taking it our tension is off the charts, way worse than it ever was.   We have to be patient and just wait. It is frustrating and even boring and extremely painful but there doesn't seem to be any other option so may as well just accept things as they are and get on with it. This is all reversible, our bodies know how to fix things as long as we don't keep taking any more of these awful drugs.

And remember another symptom in withdrawal is health anxiety!  Its that crazy drug.

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2 hours ago, [[W...] said:

It took me many years of visits to osteopaths and chiropractors to learn they cannot fix muscle tension which is produced by the CNS. I often found myself tensing up against anything the osteopath was doing so naturally that made things even worse. 

I wouldn't worry about inflammation, my opinion is if there is any then it is there to protect not to harm. Also wouldn't worry about spinal deformity or anything like that as "normal" people are full of the same deformities and have no pain or tension. It is all part of wear and tear which starts in our 20's would you believe! If you're in any doubt then read Dr John Sarno's books which go into detail about this.  And even varicose veins are normal to a degree.

We have a very unhappy and grisly CNS which is trying to recover from a drug we took for pain/anxiety/tension whatever, and now we've stopped taking it our tension is off the charts, way worse than it ever was.   We have to be patient and just wait. It is frustrating and even boring and extremely painful but there doesn't seem to be any other option so may as well just accept things as they are and get on with it. This is all reversible, our bodies know how to fix things as long as we don't keep taking any more of these awful drugs.

And remember another symptom in withdrawal is health anxiety!  Its that crazy drug.

Thanks for your reply.

I try not to worry as a surviving mechanism through the minutes but what i feel isnt at all "normal" as in common like seen on benzo groups. There are very disturbing issues that i cant describe properly. 

About the deformity, i have a big hunchback from this and neck all forward, it happened rapidly and not gradually like it would be if natural. Same for other issues like my face changed structures and shapes, aged 10 years in a few months, i believe its muscle, connective tissue, colagen loss. I imagine all this must be causing several health issues as gaba controls mostly everything. High glutamate is also a cause for cancer, for example. The worst is nothing can be done, free falling

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, [[W...] said:

Nothing about benzo withdrawal and recovery is natural!  If your neck has gone forward then your back will hunch up and so will your shoulders. If it happened rapidly then it can also change back rapidly.  As for high glutamate, we need glutamate as it actually produces our GABA. The problem is the receptors for GABA are not functioning correctly and until they do we are going to experience some very strange symptoms indeed. 

Are you fully off the drug and if so for how long? 

Yes, i tapered slowly and was off since september last year. Was feeling great like i woke up from a coma, had only some ocasional anxiety. So i stupidly took some benzo doses, each of them weeks appart, no issues felt til one of those.

Woke up the next day of taking it feeling completly different like a switch was off in the brain. It got much worse and physicall  symptoms also started. Because i never had these symptoms before, I thought it was caused by a single AD dose i also took that day, so 2 months later and out of desperation i took another benzo dose. It had a calming effect for many hours but not like before. Then it all got much worse than it was and continued to get worse. It triggered severe kindling.

I think of reinstating every minute but now the damage is done and i"m scared of even worse, cant make myself take the pill. Should have done it when this started but i didnt know what was happening. I'm pretty screwed.

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I have much of what you’re describing. I got worse after a chiropractor muscle treatment in the neck. The intense inflammation from that treatment passes. This all will pass. You can reverse a hunch. I see it myself as well but am not panicking. My face looks 10 years older because I’m healing. This will all pass. You will get back to the way got were. I’m right there with you. Same symptoms. This is WD and it will heal.

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14 minutes ago, [[H...] said:

I have much of what you’re describing. I got worse after a chiropractor muscle treatment in the neck. The intense inflammation from that treatment passes. This all will pass. You can reverse a hunch. I see it myself as well but am not panicking. My face looks 10 years older because I’m healing. This will all pass. You will get back to the way got were. I’m right there with you. Same symptoms. This is WD and it will heal.

Thanks for answering.

Maybe the inflamation will pass, but theres a thing at one side of the neck that may have created the inflamation and it was after the osteopath visit. Its like tendons that connect neck to trapezius are broken, i can feel it, hard to explain but it feels torn, its very painfull and every little movement attempt hurts more and hear bones cracking, cant be at peace with it, start to cry and ir all get much worse 

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Kindling is definitely what happened to me too. They prescribe them to take "as needed" so we think we are being careful not taking them regularly which is actually setting us up for big fall!  Terrible what these pills have done. 

As for osteopaths, I don't think I will be going back for more of that either. I went to one who treated professional boxers and I think he used the same line of attack on me!  Terrible state afterwards. 

Don't underestimate muscle tension and how strong it can be, making you feel like something is broken when really its just the muscle going into spasm which is a protective mechanism. Honestly it will calm down on its own as long as you leave it alone.


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Prob is its unsustainable to go on, i would if i could. But thanks 

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