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Hi all, I've been reffered to do CBT by my doctor for the anxiety/depression. I've got a feeling it won't have much impact on WD symptoms as they often don't react in the same way as the usual anxiety and depression. Anyone have any experience? I guess I just have to jump through the doctors hoops sometimes.

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5 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Hi all, I've been reffered to do CBT by my doctor for the anxiety/depression. I've got a feeling it won't have much impact on WD symptoms as they often don't react in the same way as the usual anxiety and depression. Anyone have any experience? I guess I just have to jump through the doctors hoops sometimes.

When I was having emotions from withdrawl it was more a physical feeling.  Not sure how cbt could help.  Maybe if your issue isn't withdrawl it will

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It can absolutely work. CBT helps you reframe what you are experiencing and in w/d the doom, gloom, depression and not seeing a way out can cause an OCD-type of looping thoughts. Mine stopped me early on on when I was catastrophizing my future by saying, You don’t have a Magic 8 Ball, how do you know that? It helped.

Hopefully they will have experience with ACT as well.

Just having a neutral person to speak with weekly, to be your cheerleader and support you all the way to the finish line is also beneficial.

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1 hour ago, [[j...] said:

Hi all, I've been reffered to do CBT by my doctor for the anxiety/depression. I've got a feeling it won't have much impact on WD symptoms as they often don't react in the same way as the usual anxiety and depression. Anyone have any experience? I guess I just have to jump through the doctors hoops sometimes.

I will be doing CBT when I am done tapering. I feel this is an essential part of healing and dealing with future stress. I think we all learn CBT skills the hard way during this process. We learn to change our way of thinking to deal with the chemical anxiety. 

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My doctor told me that during wd any kind of therapy is pointless because we cant be focused like we should because of waves And simptoms. (I remember one time with ex doctor while i was in wave of wd she was asking me where i will go for holiday And got to conclusion I am severly depresed because I am not feeling good enough to plan vacation👀)
But i guess its always good to have someone to talk to who understand (this one didnt) !!! 

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I am doing CBT for two years. I think it is useful because I learned other coping skills to handle the stress. It is useful also because my therapist listens to me. I don’t want to share this experience with the others because they don’t understand. Of course I am ok with that fact. Only person who had similar experience can understand me. My husband is having so many other problems so my therapist is my listener. Unfortunately when I am in a wave caused my something like other pills, anaesthesia or other controversial substances CBT is not very useful. But at the other time I think it is the best decision about my natural anxiety. I was and I am still very anxious and sensitive person even though before the meds. I think you can try - we don’t lose anything with CBT except money of course. But at least it can’t harm you.

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I’ve been working with anACT therapist for a year. It’s helped me a lot, most of the time, but when I’m anxious enough to not sleep well and wake up at 4am several days and I get all exhausted’& thus stressed out the “ anxiety” seems to go from a negative thought process that ACT is designed address to a biochemical imbalance that is hard to “talk” yourself out of. I feel wired like I’m running on adrenaline & I get exhausted. I feel a queasy unease in my body that my ACT training can’t seem to penetrate. It’s like trying to meditate & deep breath yourself out of an infection or chest pain. Hard to do. 

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2 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

I’ve been working with anACT therapist for a year. It’s helped me a lot, most of the time, but when I’m anxious enough to not sleep well and wake up at 4am several days and I get all exhausted’& thus stressed out the “ anxiety” seems to go from a negative thought process that ACT is designed address to a biochemical imbalance that is hard to “talk” yourself out of. I feel wired like I’m running on adrenaline & I get exhausted. I feel a queasy unease in my body that my ACT training can’t seem to penetrate. It’s like trying to meditate & deep breath yourself out of an infection or chest pain. Hard to do. 

That sums it up perfectly. I look at the mental symptoms of this as the result of a physical injury. They dont react to therepy in the same way as 'normal' mental illness.

Things like breathing excercises and so on can maybe take the edge off but nothing's stopping it until it decides to stop of it's own accord in my experience.

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13 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hi all, I've been reffered to do CBT by my doctor for the anxiety/depression. I've got a feeling it won't have much impact on WD symptoms as they often don't react in the same way as the usual anxiety and depression. Anyone have any experience? I guess I just have to jump through the doctors hoops sometimes.

Many people here i am certain cant distinguish between the WD symptoms and anxiety/depression symptoms. They can be very similar. 


I would suggest a combination of lifestyle and self reflection guided by reading if still early in WD or tapering and CBT when able to be comfortable around others. It is very hard to judge when WD is over though. 


Any interest in suggested reading targeted to rapid emotional growth that seems very rational?  I have to say that it wouldnt have helped me much until I was already at a point I was ready for it. Also i believe it is often much harder for many men because of the male stereotypes we try to be. Can make this stuff very uncomfortable!?

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Yeah I'm no good around people at the moment and my heads so rammed with symptoms I can focus on reading too much. I honestly am not confident about CBT or anything like that either as I'm certain this is WD. Its way more savage and unrelenting than anything I've experienced before. I dont know if anything will help other than riding it out or maby an AD. Just a shit situation all round.

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