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Persistent Anhedonia and Derealization after Benzo stopping attempt

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Hi I was tried to stop klonopin 6 months back it's a 3 months taper i fall into a severe withdrawal mainly Akathisia and Severe derealization and Anhedonia after suffering one month my Dr put me back on klonopin again to the same dose where I was taken previously I noticed some relief in inner restlessness but Other than nothing improved i can't feel emotions and i am in a state of derealization i had suicidal thoughts also what should I do with derealization and anhedonia did i need to updose klonopin please someone give suggestions 

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@[...], hi and welcome to BenzoBuddies! Please, feel free to start a new thread of your own if necessary.

I'm terribly sorry for both you and @[Ma...]. I noticed that people who start going up and down benzo dosages unsystematically or fail to complete their taper bc it was too fast or wrong in any other way and up-dose again often start experiencing withdrawal or interdose withdrawal symptoms of much more intensity and can't stabilise for quite a time. Once, I was there too. I don't know a single right solution. In my case, i felt better only when i had completed my taper but it was extremely hard. Perhaps, there are other ways. If you've been holding to the same benzo dose and feeling the same unbearable, it might be worth up-dosing a bit. Then stabilisation and down again in a proper way. Not sure. I'm personally glad i did as i did. Just my thoughts to the point.

Good luck to both of you!)




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It’s not uncommon to need a higher dose than originally taken when you reinstate in order to stabilize.

I’m not saying this is what you should do, just saying it’s not uncommon.


Edited by [Ma...]
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