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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Emotional pain from eating

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Has anyone experienced emotional pain just from eating? This is brand new and scaring me.

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A lot of your previous topics have been about emotional pain, so that symptom in itself is not new for you. Do you mean that you have emotional pain after eating when you didn't before? That would imply that the emotional pain is not with you 24/7 but comes and goes.

Since you have been having issues with your emotions/feelings for quite awhile now (almost 6 months?) it may not have as much to do with eating as it does with timing. This emotional dread may appear when it does whether you eat or not. Only biological reason I can think of for eating to be a factor is if changes in blood sugar affect your mood.

You said this is brand new, so how many times has it happened? If just within one day that may be too soon to draw conclusions. You may need more time to pass to recognize a discernable pattern.

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Crono I think you are 100% correct

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