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Supplements I am taking to ease withdrawal, and diet choices


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I guess it's appropriate for me to say this is not advice, just me sharing my experience. I see a functional medicine doctor, and this is what she has me on to help ease symptoms and repair my body.

Disclaimer: I know some of these things are directly in opposition with some other advice people have been given, but this is the route I'm on. I share for possible ideas to bring to your doctor. I don't advise going and buying these in hopes it will cure you. These have been chosen for my particular body, but maybe you'll find some help here.

Morning (w/ Breakfast):

Probiotic (Megaspore)
Vitamin K2/D3
Fish Oil Omega 3 (improve neuroplasticity)
MitoCORE (speed up recovery)
Boswellia Phytosome (for nerve damage)
B Complex #6
RelaxMax (containing GABA, L-Theanine, Magnesium) (for anxiety)
Homeopathics: Calcarea Carbonica 200C (5 pellets for anxiety), Arnica Montana 30c (5 pellets for muscle pain)


Fish Oil Omega 3
Boswelia Phytosome
B Complex #6


Homeopathic: Coffea Crudea 6x (5 pellets for sleep....I also take 5 pellets whenever I wake in the middle of the night).

Here's the other big thing:

Food, diet.

I cut out all complex carbs. I am following the RENEW Food Plan. It's DIFFICULT, but I'm prioritizing my recovery over my taste buds. Actually, over time, I'm finding I'm not craving sugar or complex carbs. 

Favorites of my diet:

Beats & Strawberries with goat cheese
Eggs for breakfast with ground turkey or beef and fresh veggies
Beef jerky without sugar added
Mashed Cauliflower with Vegan Butter
Salad with Chicken
Chickpea Pasta (Banza, found at Costco)

There have been some symptoms I know that are a result of the removal of complex carbs and sugars, and I don't recommend it for everyone. But, I know it's right for me. Everyone has their opinions on diet, and for some, I know it's hard to find any appetite at all. But, my appetite is strong, and now craving real, whole foods, and not processed stuff.

I hope this helps someone. Feel free to ask questions. I don't claim to have the answers for you, but I'll share my experiences.


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Thanks for the info. It would be nice to know the dosage you take of each supplement.

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