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Nearly 72hrs free from diazepam

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Just wondering.. am I ok to have a few beers? My last dose was 3mg & I had been on 5mg originally for 6 months roughly. Thankyou in advance :)

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Hello Marc, congrats on your freedom from benzos!

Another Buddie had a similar question yesterday and I gave my thoughts on it. If interested you can find it here:


As for your particular situation no one can say for sure how you will react. You might be able to tolerate a few beers just fine or you could find yourself facing a flare up in your symptoms. If you don't wanna gamble with your symptoms it is always better to be safe than sorry, right?

Also keep in mind that we currently have some members that are back in recovery from consuming alcohol regularly over a period of months or years after becoming benzo free. Regular use of alcohol may slow down, or even prevent, your recovery depending on the volume consumed and time used. That happened to me at 14 months after my klonopin cold turkey. I ended up reinstating due to drinking quite heavily from Oct 2009 (klonopin cold turkey) to Dec. 2010. (Reinstated Jan. 2011)

I don't want you to stop enjoying the small things in life, I just don't want you to do something you may regret later on.

Edited by [Cr...]
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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Hello Marc, congrats on your freedom from benzos!

Another Buddie had a similar question yesterday and I gave my thoughts on it. If interested you can find it here:


As for your particular situation no one can say for sure how you will react. You might be able to tolerate a few beers just fine or you coukd find yourself facing a flare up in your symptoms. If you don't wanna gamble with your symptoms it is always better to be safe than sorry, right?

Also keep in mind that we currently have some members that are back in recovery from cosuming alcohol regularly over a period of months or years after becoming benzo free. Regular use of alcohol can slow down, or even prevent, your recovery depending on the volume consumed and time used. That happened to me at 14 months after my klonopin cold turkey. I ended up reinstating due to drinking quite heavily.

I don't want you to stop enjoying the small things in life, I just want you to not do something you may regret later on.

Thankyou so much, I really appreciate it 🤙🏻

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When i stopped with clonasepan i did have a couple of drinks but didnt find any joy from it so  it was just one time.  Now that i learned a lot about wd And alcohol  I don’t think I will try any alcohol at least for a couple of months more! If i were you I would skip alcohol at this point! :) Its very risky :)

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