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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

1mg clonazepam hold, alcohol

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Hi All,

I joined two weeks ago when I was very symptomatic following a slightly too fast taper from 3mg to 1mg clonazepam.

That said, I started a hold and halved my taper rate. I have been doing much better!

Part of that has also been abstaining from alcohol from average levels.

I'm at a vacation home with family wanting to enjoy a couple beers. Am I being ridiculous to change my tune so quickly after experiencing a two week window?

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39 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

Hi All,

I joined two weeks ago when I was very symptomatic following a slightly too fast taper from 3mg to 1mg clonazepam.

That said, I started a hold and halved my taper rate. I have been doing much better!

Part of that has also been abstaining from alcohol from average levels.

I'm at a vacation home with family wanting to enjoy a couple beers. Am I being ridiculous to change my tune so quickly after experiencing a two week window?

Change your tune in regards to what? Not being as cautious now that you feel better and indulging in some beers?

Alcohol is generally not recommended during tapering and for quite awhile after coming off. Not because it is guaranteed to cause huge problems, but because there is a high chance it can cause problems. Many members have been affected badly by alcohol and therefor the 'potential' is known to be there for things to get a lot worse. Three months off Klonopin I drank one night and suffered to the point of needing to take a klonopin to stop the symptoms.

It acts on the same receptors as the medication you are withdrawaling from. If you drank alcohol when you were on 3mg and experienced no ill effects the following day, that may not be the case now that your body is recovering from the loss of 2/3s of the original dose.

That said, some members have handled alcohol just fine and somehow even recovered from WD with very mild use of it.  Even Dr. Ashton doesn't think it is necessary to totally abstain. However, I don't think she approved of drinking while still on benzos as technically the two should not be mixed.

It is ultimately up to you @[co...]. In your situation I personally would abstain based on my own experience with alcohol, but since you tolerated your cuts to klonopin so well you may be able to handle an occasional beer whereas many others cannot.

If you decide to drink, you should do so slowly and in a very limited amount.

Edited by [Cr...]
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I agree with crono. I had a couple of drinks a couple of times earlier in my WD and was fine. I did it again and I wasn't. Brought on a nasty wave. I often wonder if I was due that wave anyway as it didn't happen the first 2 times, and if I should mabey try a beer again. I'm not willing to take the chance to find out.

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