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Dental work bringing back a wave 15 months out

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It's been a while since I posted. I've been mostly well after a long year of symptoms since my rapid taper (8 days) from short term use of Ativan (4 weeks).  A couple weeks ago I was having a molar extracted.  This tooth was previously root canaled about 15 years ago.  During the extraction my sinus was perforated.  There's a 10mm wide hole in the bone on the floor of my sinus allowing air to flow between the tooth socket and sinus.  Very weird and uncomfortable sensation.  No fun. 

This requires oral surgery to close up the membrane in order to enable the bone to grow back.  Because my sinus is inflamed the oral surgeon has me on Sudafed, Amoxicilin (I tolerated this after initial extraction), and Affrin nasal spray. 

Some of my original acute withdrawal symptoms are back today including blocked ears with dark earwax, mild tinnitus and more.  I have at least another 12 days to go on the meds listed above before they can even assess conducting the surgery, and will likely be on meds for a couple weeks after the surgery. 

Anyone been through this?  Any thoughts on the meds.  Surgery looks no fun, but I'm more concerned about a debilitating wave getting worse.  This will be my first surgery ever other than standard dental work. 


Edited by [jo...]
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Hi @[jo...], there are several ways to categorize your current issue. 

1. Setback: I don't view this as a setback as (at a glance) none of those 3 meds acts on your Gaba-A receptors. If your current symptoms are being caused by the meds I wouldn't classify it as a wave either, since a wave would be an expression of your body working on your Gaba receptors some more.

2. Wave from BW: It is very possible that this could be a 15 month mark wave that would have came even if you didn't get dental work done. The timing could just be coincidental. Either way, like any wave, it will run its course and will end eventually.

3. Side effects from Meds: If you look up the side effects for Sudafed and Afrin, you will see a list that looks eerily similar to symptoms of benzo withdrawal (anxiety, restlessness, tremors, etc). If this is the case, the side effects should go away when you cease these meds. Amoxicillin can cause issues in any person, as long as it isn't an allergic reaction you should be fine beyond having to replenish your healthy bacteria.

4. Your Anxiety: I doubt this is the cause as having anxiety shouldn't cause things like dark earwax. However, it is possible that your anxiety about the meds and your future surgery are causing you to feel more symptoms in addition to any caused by the med side effects.

So basically, no you are not back in acute and you are not back to square one in recovery. Obviously you will have to take considerations regarding the meds used during your surgery. I had a surgery over 2 years out in which I was given versed (benzo) and then put under. I had no problems afterwards.

Not everyone is the same, and some people are more sensitive than others. This seems like a necessary surgery so you will probably have to endure it. If they use anything that acts on your Gaba receptors, there is a great chance that you'll still do fine. If it does cause a flareup, it may be no where near as hard or long as your benzo wd.

Edited by [Cr...]
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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the thorough response @[Cr...]

I don't feel acute symptoms currently but definitely something out of the norm.  I'm getting sleep even though broken sleep (probably sudafed).  The tinnitus was mild and fleeting.  I don't have the extreme light / sound sensitivity that I had during acute. 

The ear issue I associate directly to my acute symptoms.  That and scaly / flaky skin in and around my ears and scalp / forehead / eyelids.  Though not as bad as acute, it is definitely not normal and the only time it happened before was during my acute w/d last year.

It could be stress related due to my upcoming surgery or just a normal setback based on being 15 months out.  I did read some things on BB and ChatGPT that point to sudafed being a likely culprit.  I do have to continue it until the surgery so will just soldier on and hope for the best. 

I appreciate your insight and thoughtful analysis.


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