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Warning! Tapering while on hormone treatment TRT

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I just thought I’d put this out there as it will be very important warning for anybody in the same situation,I’ve been on trt for 5 year,.I starting tapering at the start of the year.

I have seriously struggled with tapering,.but also noticed the trt really really hyping everything up the more I dropped doses,I didn’t want to stop both but I’ve been forced to

im lucky that I switched from an injection to daly gel just before starting the taper that’s in and out your system quickly or my mind wouldn’t of been able to take it

ive had to stop the gel all together to keep a bit more control of my mind,getting barley any sleep then taking a steroid gel with your morning dose is another kinda hell

being mentally fatigued while having a testosterone stimulation going on is the nearest I’ve ever been to the pysk ward,seriously bad anxiety and borderline paranoia,and just looking really not right

That bit of time at night when you get relief from the day didn’t happen untill about midnight when you feel the hormone starting wearing of,all my nerves were going crazy to

And the crash in the morning after it is unreal,massively burnt out,but at the same time my head had felt like it had been trough utter manic stress,.even my eyes were bulging slightly from the day before 

I must add that I’m now dealing with a double whammy of coming of benzos and trt therepy,.my head doesn’t know what the hell has hit it

ive said for awhile I’m getting a paradoxical affect from my doses I just feel a mess,This could of been caused from the hormone discontinuation as well I honestly don’t know

but with the withdrawal of hormones to I look absolutely physically/mentally exhausted but with a Duracell battery in my head

After holding my dose for 5 week this Thursday because of this,fortunately I’m getting a break again an night,my sleep has returned and I burn out some nights before my night dose

ive been waking up 1 to 2 am and taking it then.

im not on hear for a moan about this but more a warning any1 receiving hormone treatment and thinking about benzo discontinuation

The last 2 weeks I’ve been on and of the phone with the mental health team,The last call I was asking to be put in hospital it’s got that bad 

Being totally overwhelmed like that daily I was becoming really detached,I’m managing to snap out of it though thankfully although I’m by no way out of the woods 

I also realise the whole time on trt and using benzos the last 18 month I was basically speed balling  

it felt good at the time but god I’m seriously paying the price for it now

If there’s a forum that this post can be saved at could some1 let me know and I’ll post it there to




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