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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×


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Has anyone any usful tips/diets etc to help boost dopamine? Have you tried anything yourselfs with any rate os success? I have brutal depression sometimes and wondered if anything would help. Considering an AD (Mirtazipine) which I have posted about before but would prefer some natural relief if possible.

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Saying bud,.I bought a pull up bar for in the house,.just to keep the strength up and get a dopamine release

it can set the breathing of a bit though but I just take longer breaks

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I was thinking of something like that but I've had excercise flareups in the past. Although that was a couple of months ago i might be ok to push a bit more now.

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2 hours ago, [[j...] said:

I was thinking of something like that but I've had excercise flareups in the past. Although that was a couple of months ago i might be ok to push a bit more now.

Just don't jump into heavy exercising. Slowly increase the intensity and duration over time.

The reason walking outside is so recommended is because when done briskly, it is a form of aerobic exercise and gets you exposed to the sun. Both of which can increase dopamine. Meditation, breathing exercises, sex, and music can all affect dopamine levels. 

I'd say look up some foods that are beneficial for dopamine production. Just don't go all into this thinking it will eradicate or prevent depression. It can certainly help you though.

Say you started doing everything you can to benefit your dopamine levels and system. If you get hit with another depression later on you may assume that means all these exercises and diets did not help, but in reality your depression may be a 7/10 instead of 8 to 10/10 thanks to all the positive changes you have made. 7 will still feel awful, but I just wanted to mention this scenario because people sometimes don't realize that a healthy diet and exercise may be why symptoms aren't even worse than what they are.

The absolute worst case scenario is diet and exercise have 0 positive effect on your symptoms, and leave you only with a more healthy, fit body. That is still a net positive in my book.

Edited by [Cr...]
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Walking helps. Hence i never stopped working cause i walk a lot at work. Try it. Adding an Anti Depressant could be detrimental 

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