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Interdose withdrawal Klonopin help

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Hello - through trial and error I’ve figured out what is going on with my medication.  After taking klonopin nightly for 12 years (as prescribed by horrible doctor) - I now have a tolerance and I’m having inter dose withdrawals - bad.  I find I have maybe 4 hours until withdrawal symptoms start and if I wait too long - I’m shaking, crying, akathesia.   I found out sadly Valium is not an option for me.  I did the genetic test and I have an enzyme that metabolizes Valium and some other drugs really rapidly - so I’m afraid there’s no point in switching.  here’s my current regimen and here are my questions - 

regimen - 

70 cymbalta 

80 trazadone 

0.75 klonopin 

1) I need help sleeping.  Trazadone barely doing anything.  I’m at 80mg.  Should I increase trazadone? Seroquel has been thrown out by my doctor? Right now I sleep in spurts - I will wake up and go on a walk and sometimes that helps me go back to sleep.  

2) anyone take klonopin like 4 times a day? I HATE the way it makes me feel - these past 12 years I’ve only taken one dose at night.  A 0.125 dose while awake is all I can handle.  I need help with a schedule - does this look ok? 

9am 0.125 

1pm 0.125 

5pm 0.125 

bedtime .375 

I don’t know if this schedule will make me “stable” - it’s possible the only way to be stable is to updose - but I Updosed quite a bit (from 0.5 Xanax to 0.75 klonopin) - 6 months ago - and here we are.  For years I only took 0.125 Klonopin for sleep but made dumb decision to switch to Xanax - suffered crazy interdose withdrawals with that and now here we are. 
Im feeling hopeless and discouraged - any advice or help much appreciated.  
thanks so much 

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Hello, Millie!

I unfortunately can’t speak to the other medications as I’ve never used them, but I did switch from Xanax to clonazepam (klonopin) about 6 years ago. It definitely helped in my taper.

 I think your plan seems like a fine place to start, but I am curious why you are taking a long-acting benzo like clonazepam four times daily…
That is your choice, obviously, but I think the highest dose being at night could certainly be helpful for your sleep. It’s at least worth a try!

As far as hope, all I can say is that things will better. Or at least we have to hope they will. I’m not at my best currently, but I’m hopeful. 
Sending you the best healing vibes I can muster!

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10 hours ago, [[d...] said:

Hello, Millie!

I unfortunately can’t speak to the other medications as I’ve never used them, but I did switch from Xanax to clonazepam (klonopin) about 6 years ago. It definitely helped in my taper.

 I think your plan seems like a fine place to start, but I am curious why you are taking a long-acting benzo like clonazepam four times daily…
That is your choice, obviously, but I think the highest dose being at night could certainly be helpful for your sleep. It’s at least worth a try!

As far as hope, all I can say is that things will better. Or at least we have to hope they will. I’m not at my best currently, but I’m hopeful. 
Sending you the best healing vibes I can muster!

Thanks so much - I’m having withdrawal between doses we think.  Problem is tried taking klonopin during day and it kinda made me feel horrible.  1/2 tired 1/2 anxious.  Trying to figure this out - you are very kind to reply. 

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