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I can’t stop caffiene


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I hear that you are supposed to stop caffeine I drink 2 red bulls a day I’m not sure if it is making my symptoms worse I have been addicted to redbull for 10 years and can’t go without it how do I stop I’ve tried to substitute to coffee less Caffiene or juice in the morning but I end up going back 

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If you feel ok, don't worry about it. If you need to quit, you'll know it.

I never thought I would give up coffee. The benzo chemical damage certainly changed that thinking. 

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I agree with @[...]. If you feel fine with caffeine, it's ok to keep drinking, not too much though. I like coffee but stopped it while in tolerance. Thought it would help. It didn't make any difference but deprived me of my little pleasures. I began drinking coffee again at the end of my taper. It feels ok. Oh, and a couple of neurologists told me to take it like a medication. They didn't thought much about benzo withdrawal but they could essess my physical condition professionally that's why i believed them)


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Hay bud your lucky if you can get away with a coffee,I went back in the coffee a coffee weeks back,it was ok 1 day then another day I got severe anxiety and stopped it again 

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Like most others have said, you are not obligated to stop caffeine if it is not bothering you. Even if it is making your anxiety a little worse, you should only stop using it of you think you are in a place in recovery where you can manage a caffeine withdrawal on top of what you are already dealing with. When I stopped caffeine I only had fatigue and a headache for a few days, but I wasn't battling benzo withdrawal when I stopped.

Caffeine and even Nicotine, while not the healthiest things to be addicted to, will not slow down or prevent recovery from benzodiazepines.

Edited by [Cr...]
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i would switch to another source at the minimum and wean down too. the huge amount of sugar and additives in energy drinks are horrible besides the caffeine. 

i actually find caffeine helps me atm but likely because I have been off a long time and it gives people a dose of happy chemicals for a bit. I need some happy but likely not great to overdo as i often do. 

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On 15/06/2024 at 00:06, [[A...] said:

What did caffeine do to do ? 

 I drank coffee daily my entire adult life.

Once my thinking cleared from the benzo damage, I could feel that the coffee revved me in an uncomfortable anxious way.

I never thought I'd quit coffee. But now I don't even miss it. Occasionally I'll have a decaf just for something different. 


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