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How to taper with out a scale


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5 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

I don’t have a scale how do I start to taper

just cut them for now. you don't need a scale until they become very little as powder

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Did you decide to reinstate to then begin tapering?

I never used a scale. I cut my pills with a pill cutter. Others have used a nail file. I'm sure others will chime in to let you know what worked for them.

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34 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

Then whats the point? If I’m gonna suffer I should get it over with no? I’m asking I don’t know 

just try a very little amount and see if it works out.

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7 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Then whats the point? If I’m gonna suffer I should get it over with no? I’m asking I don’t know 

It takes the same amount of time to heal if you CT or taper. The only difference is how much are you willing to suffer during that time?

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9 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Then whats the point? If I’m gonna suffer I should get it over with no? I’m asking I don’t know 

Congrats, if you are asking this question then it means you ARE willing to be sober.

Do you have a medical professional that can administer your taper? I do highly recommend it. You will need support. I encourage you share your progress here and find some support too.

I hope by sharing my own experience it can give some solidarity, but ultimately the battle will be fought within yourself. Make sure you stay hydrated, eat healthy foods, and continue to use your resources online.

I was in a similar situation, what I had left was reduced to powder (I guess I could have ran to the vape shop to buy a device, but my life was in the toilet and my thoughts were scattered) Even in an unmeasurable form, I decided to pursue sobriety, primarily because I was not allowed to get more.


The point of the taper for me is in bold, but that is only to me and it will vary for everyone, your health and safety is what's most important. I chose to resign from my job, as a loved one put it, " Your going to lose everything anyway if you do not get some help".

I was afraid to get help. I could not afford it, and I didn't know where to begin. I found myself trying to read everything online about benzos. I did not have health insurance and my time was limited in savings. 

Duration:  roughly 3 years or less. I stopped at 4mg a day. 

 I did a 2 week  rapid taper in hopes that I could survive the road ahead and have my body acclimate to the acute withdrawals, currently 18 days sober, there are some regrets but continued taper was not an option. Full disclosure, I am not an expert - it is undoubtably better to taper longer and have a medical professional administer and assist, to ensure you are safe and cared for correctly - without damaging your health or central nervous system.

Below is not the way I would recommend, just something I was cornered into by my own decisions, but I wish I had more time.

  • 1 week taper, 50% reduction for the first week, withdrawals were bearable (I split the doses, a little in morning and a little at night for sleep, (I was aware that powder was hard to measure, yes - there were days I goofed)
  • 1 week taper, 75% reduction for the final week, withdrawals were awful. As the above posts state, its a matter of what you can bear and if you can.
  • week 3 / 4 / going 5 are CT ( what I had left I decided to throw away)

I do not recall much of the taper days, as the withdrawals hit like a truck. Day 2, 5, 9, were the hardest. Benzo belly ceased at 11-14 days, by day 11 my stool was solid again. I lost some weight during the withdrawals, but regained it.

I guess one way to think of it is this. I did not start at 4mg a day, so why would I go CT all of a sudden? Either way, what goes up must come down, but the down does not need to be that hard. 

below are some tips:

  1.  record it (for me it was voice memos), "whats the point" start with that and find your answer
  2. try to eat lean, fruits and vegetables, stay away from processed foods if possible
  3.  save some money, eat oranges rather than orange juice, eat yogurt etc
  4. go out for A LOT of walks but stay hydrated, bring a water bottle. that feeling you get at night when you can't sleep or your heart is racing will go away eventually, but have a friend or loved one sleep over and leave your door open. For me heart palpitations were scary, this is why a lot of people go to medical detox centers so they can monitor their vitals. A reason why I tapered rather than going CT. If it were up to me I would have done a minimum 28 day taper plan.

If this message reaches you, remember the pain - but survive to see a better future.

Good luck. What has been need not aways be :)


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Hello @[Js...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Thank you for sharing your experience, we see many methods here and if yours worked, we're happy for you.  Sure, there is what we agree is best practice but that isn't always possible, so whatever works for your situation is what's best for you.

How are you feeling these days? 


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4 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

Hello @[Js...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Thank you for sharing your experience, we see many methods here and if yours worked, we're happy for you.  Sure, there is what we agree is best practice but that isn't always possible, so whatever works for your situation is what's best for you.

How are you feeling these days? 


Hello @[Pa...]

I am feeling good today - thank you so much for asking.

I found this website a few days ago and appreciate everyone's feedback from short term users to long term users, it is helpful to read everything.

I am sober, that is what matters most. There are good days and tough days, but I know I am on the path to healing so that comforts me :)

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