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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

NAD+ IV for getting off benzos and other psych drugs.

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I've read some great stories about getting off benzos and other psych drugs (I'm also on Lyrica and SSRI) with NAD+. 

Are there any other success stories? I would love to hear. 

Also if there is a recommendation for a psychiatrist, physician specialized in withdrawal and NAD IV.

Thank you! 

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Hello, @[Ca...]. Welcome to BenzoBuddies! I heard some of our members say they used NAD+ IV during the withdrawal. I hope they'll share their experience with you.

Best wishes to you!)

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Hi @[Ca...]

NAD+ seems to be hit and miss like all remedies we try during withdrawal. It works for some but not for others. My personal opinion is there is no magical formula to get off benzo’s easier. If there was everybody would be doing it. 

You could use the Search function to find more posts related to NAD+.

We’re glad you’re here and happy to support you.

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