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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Don't know if is protracted or natural reaction to stress?

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[I ...]

Hello buddies!

A really long time I didn't think on this subject, because I thought I'm healed and really it was so so good to think the opposite.

Two and half years now after my last dose, the last wave passed last September and I had an amazing time continuously without any symptom till one month now.

I became a manager of one luxurious Spa centar last year, I enjoyed the job and the position.      Didn't cause me any stress, I was living healthy, no drugs no alcohol and still the same.

But, with the first hot days in May and all these unusual climate crisis, I live on very South Balkan, I started getting bad memories from the past and the worst of my acute withdrawal, whole ambient was like the summer in my acute and I started to feel again sleep problems and mild anxiety through the day. It lasted for about a week and I was good again, but from this Monday a new stress because of one exam in the university (I was reading all night long a book before my exam that morning) and I got sleep problems again the next night..They continued and I feel very stressed again. My OCD is active again after sleepless nights..

Something that I realised is that I can't stimulate my brain as in the past without getting some bad feedback after. Last summer I got severe episode in a front of my second year being off, because of physical stress.

I don't know what to think..

My mom told me that she is experiencing similar bad periods after stress as all people probably..

Similar experiences after two years being off and still sensitive on stress?




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Most likely a lot of stress and a little effect from having used these drugs in the past. Its likely something you recover from more and more but never completely  

I still have fatigue and stress when I try to tax my mind too much learning or doing complex stuff. It stresses me too though because it is more difficult than before. Always improving though. 

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[I ...]

Lee Hi!!!

Exactly like that, there is a big improvement , but when you think that you're finally healed, reading a book for exam caused me a wave in two years and half being off.

It's so unfair!

Also I realised in Spring and Summer I feel much worse by many questions than in Autumn and Winter.

Lee hoe long you're off?

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