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Wondering what everybody’s thoughts on Gabapentin are. My doctor who specializes in addiction medicine really wants me to get on it for Benzo PAWS. Parents pressuring me to. Left traumatized though after how bad of a reaction and panic attack Ashwghanda and even Magnesium glycinate gave me after taking. My GABA is so hyper sensitive it just seems like a bad idea to get on Gabapentin. But it’s been a year and some stuff feels worse not better and I am exhausted of all of this and need some relief.

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Hello @[Sh...],

Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

I am sorry you're having such a rough time.  For many of us healing can take longer than it seems like it should.  And as I am sure you are aware, the healing process is non-linear.  Symptoms come and go and sometimes return again and it is indeed exhausting.

Many of us are very sensitive to other meds and supplements during withdrawal.  What works for one person may cause issues for another.  I think it's very wise of you to get more information and carefully consider what you decide to try.

I personally have not taken Gabapentin, but I am sure that other folks will chime in with their experiences soon.

We're glad you found us and we'll do our best to help you with this.

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Dave -- consider the source.

I have used it and it did not help me. I know someone else who said it helped her anxiety and worsened her depression.  It's an anti-seizure medication. It can be addictting although not as much so as Lyrica.

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Gabapentin is de rigeur in benzo withdrawal and with brain injuries.

For some there are side effects, for others it’s a good bridge into healing.

Do your research and only you will know if it’s worth trying. Try the search tab here.

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14 hours ago, [[B...] said:

Hello @[Sh...],

Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

I am sorry you're having such a rough time.  For many of us healing can take longer than it seems like it should.  And as I am sure you are aware, the healing process is non-linear.  Symptoms come and go and sometimes return again and it is indeed exhausting.

Many of us are very sensitive to other meds and supplements during withdrawal.  What works for one person may cause issues for another.  I think it's very wise of you to get more information and carefully consider what you decide to try.

I personally have not taken Gabapentin, but I am sure that other folks will chime in with their experiences soon.

We're glad you found us and we'll do our best to help you with this.

You are all so amazing. I wish I had turned to Benzo buddies sooner in these last 12 months. I am overwhelmed with the support. May we all heal soon and make a full recovery!

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@[Sh...] I took gabapentin for non benzo-related neuropathy and it  really wasn't helpful.  Lately, I decided to take it for another neuropathic condition (it's supposed to help nerve pain) and it did not work. I just got the rotten s/x. If it were me, I would be very wary about taking it to help benzo w/d. I would like to see some supporting evidence that it is "de rigeur" in benzo w/d or for PAWS. Again, if it were me, I would ask my doc exactly how he/she thinks it might help. What symptoms will it alleviate? I'd sure do this before I took it. 

In my experience nothing really helps benzo w/d except time. I hope some ppl chime in who have benefitted from gabapentin for w/ds or PAWS. So . . .do your homework and make your own decision. Just because it didn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't for you. YMMV. Best of luck to you.:hug:


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7 hours ago, [[M...] said:

Gabapentin is de rigeur in benzo withdrawal and with brain injuries.

For some there are side effects, for others it’s a good bridge into healing.

Do your research and only you will know if it’s worth trying. Try the search tab here.

Iv done extensive research on several supplements. Gabapentin is a bad move. 

My advice, eat healthy, light exercises if possible, and stay natural as much as possible and just wait. That’s all we can do honestly. 

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