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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Remaining Sensitive.

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When we are healed, do we have to be careful for the rest of our lives. My thought's are of the obvious things such as alcohol, other meds, stressful jobs etc. Or does healed truely mean healed.

Edited by [jo...]
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Its vwry hard to say. We havent had a buddie come back here and tell us 10 years later.


Myself was 80% healed. Living my life. Driving and college bur took pepcid for heartburn. A grave mistake. I had acute withdrawal with akathesia included for 10 months. Still sick and in a setback. Im approaching 7years off. Housebound. Cannot drive. Work or socialize.

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Thats crazy. I guess we really do have to be so careful. I hope you feel better soon, you don't deserve that crap.

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2 hours ago, [[j...] said:

When we are healed, do we have to be careful for the rest of our lives. My thought's are of the obvious things such as alcohol, other meds, stressful jobs etc. Or does healed truely mean healed.

I think it varies a lot from one person to another.  For some members, once they're recovered they don't seem have any lingering issues/sensitivities.  Others continue to be sensitive to things like you mention, alcohol and stress.

Personally, at 4 1/2 years out I still don't respond well to alcohol and largely avoid it.  Some of that could be related to getting older.   I also remain sensitive to stressors. If I experience an increase in stress I'll usually have an uptick in anxiety - but it's temporary and settles down.  I've seen other member report they don't have these issues at all after recovery.



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2 hours ago, [[j...] said:

When we are healed, do we have to be careful for the rest of our lives. My thought's are of the obvious things such as alcohol, other meds, stressful jobs etc. Or does healed truely mean healed.

I think if you can change your lifestyle you will be ok. If you educate yourself enough about triggers and coping skills for stress you will be ok. 

I also believe it all depends on other factors such as length of time used and amount dosage used. Perhaps it also depends on how you tapered off or if you CT. 

When I am off I will be doing CBT and stay on the antidepressant. I will learn how to cope with stress. I have a stressful job waiting for me when I return to work. 

I will watch what I eat. I won't drink alcohol I wont smoke cannabis I will live a clean life. 

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Antidepressants have much worse scientific efficacy evidence (8% over placebo in pooled analysis) and the same withdrawal risk as benzos and just like benzos they can induce what is here called tolerance withdrawal so taking them long term is a big gamble.

As a side note I for example experience huge spikes in adverse reactions to SSRI due to benzo withdrawal and had to reduce my dose by over a half 2 times in a span of 2 years just to stay alive. But my case is rather strange and severe.

I'm not saying this to discourage, rather than to inform that there is no such thing as safe psychotropic drug, all of them incur physical dependency, difference between benzos and SSRIs is that psychiatry had 10 years more with benzos to own up to the fact that they are dependency forming.


Study by a psychiatrist who had his eyes opened by a personal experience of withdrawal. 

Giving drugs to mentally unwell people was one of the worst mistakes that humanity has ever made, it made all mental health issues, most of them episodic, chronic, it does nothing in preventing suicides, quite the opposite as I had never thought of harming myself BEFORE the drugs and gave doctors of all other branches an easy go to answer when they can't correctly diagnose patient with a physical illness. Worst part is we don't even know the full extent of the damage that it will do to the human race in generations to come. 

There was a study made on cats with 2 groups: one fed raw meat only, second fed half raw meat half boiled meat. First offspring generation was mostly the same between 2 groups, in second group fed boiled meat had higher incidence of genetic defects and lived shorter, in third a huge part of boiled meat group offspring died in infancy.

Everyone wonders in the news etc. why has general human health gone bad in recent years maybe its partly because we have a huge part of young adult population on drugs that alter genetic expression and they are having kids?

But try to tell that to a medical professional and they will hand You a tinfoil cap.

Tangent over


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I am ultra sensitive. 4 years from my CT. Sometimes I am feeling that I am reacting to all things in this world. I am learning to live with this and to accept this condition. On the other hand I am feeling grateful because I know myself so well. 
Of course, this is me. We are so different. There are so many people which had withdrawal issues and they can live normal live. For example many can tolerate magnesium. For me magnesium throws me back to acute every time. I guess that with the time things settled. I was able to tolerate alcohol before my current setback. I am learning to accept that we are all different and to listen my own body and nerve system.

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